Thursday, October 18, 2007

Okay, I think I finally have a work schedule that will not change for awhile. It's now... 4 pm to 3 am, Thursday through Sunday. Yep, you figured it, we're on the 4-10 schedule. That means four days of work, 10 hours each day. So far, I'm liking it better. Before, we'd lose a day to running errands and such, so you'd feel sad when your only day to play is marred by thoughts of having to return to work the next day. But with three days, we get all or most of our errands done the first day, and then we have two days to do whatever! And inevitably, one of those days involve hanging around the house naked and playing WoW.

Tonight we went back to the gym for the first time in a long time. It was long overdue. We have no stamina, our strength is blah, and I won't even get into my weight. Sigh. Sad to say, my boobs look great right now. But I gotta get rid of flab, so I guess if my boobs get smaller... it's a good thing. Whateley's looking forward to knocking me up someday. I wonder if it's a healthy thing to keep lactating just to keep your boobs bigger.

On a different note, we've been on a crusade to find boba places, and there are a surprising number of Asian places here, and we're finding more and more the deeper we search. Unfortunately, so far only one place offers the barley that Whateley likes. But that's the one closest to the college, so the last time we went, they were packed with college kids. I wonder if that's how the people of Berkeley felt about the students?

Anyway, we've found many small Asian markets all over (including a Korean one) but this weekend we found an actual Asian supermarket! We didn't go in since we were running out of time, but we'll check it out next time. I think it's a Chinese or Vietnamese one, so I'm guessing we won't stop going to the Korean one anytime soon. Where else am I going to get choco-pies and home run balls and soft tofu stew kits?

Gotta go, the rice maker just got done, and we got some bulgogi marinade which we used pork instead of beef. Hopefully it'll be good. :)

1 comment:

황명록 beno hwang said...

just checkin'... u already knew that "boba" means "boobs," rt? smooth transition, eh?