Friday, August 31, 2007


Some snippets from my conversation with Whateley while we were driving home from work (edited for clarity):

Whateley: "Ugh, that poo was so big... well, let's just say, the same amount was out of the water as in it."

Me: "So, it's like you gave birth to a baby..."

Whateley: "No, I gave birth to it's uncle."

Whateley: "I could have kept looking at it longer but the automatic flusher kicked in."

Me: "You have automatic flushers?"

Whateley: "Yeah. Why? Don't you?"

Me: "No, we have regular flushers." (makes hand gesture showing the flushing motion)

Whateley: "Well, it was that way back in SoCal. And I wish we had automatic ones."

Me: "What? People would actually not flush after going?"

Whateley: "Well, men can't give birth. When we produce poo, it's like we're proud of it."

Me: "That is so gross. Wow, I can't believe they took that into consideration for the men's room here. Is that so for all of the men's rooms?"

Whateley: "Yep, all three of them."

Me: "Wow."

Whateley: "Y'know how many women's restroom are there? Two."

Me: "Really?"

Whateley: "Yeah, I think our building used to be owned by Apple, and it looks like an executive bathroom. It's got a lock, even, though it's not turn on. But it's much nicer."

Whateley: "I know it may be sexist or something, but I think that's okay cuz there's way more men than women."

Me: "Oh, I agree. I mean, it's not like we have to worry about waiting in line in the bathroom."

Whateley: "But y'know, I was really proud of that poo."

Me: (groans) "So, why are we still talking about this?"

Whateley: "I love you."

Me: "Why else would I be listening to you talk about your poo."

And... scene.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

On a weird note, I made Whateley some naeng-myun and he wasn't crazy that the soup is served cold. The package came with some mustard and we both put a bit too much in it. And now, for some strange reason, I have a craving for naeng-myun. It may be the shrimp chips we got today. It's spiked with wasabi flavor.
Too many things I need to do!

- get oil change
- get a haircut
- write the IRS to get my money back
- schedule an appointment with the bank for mortgage pre-approvals
- get RAM for my computer (this is more of a should I or shouldn't I thing)
- install Photoshop and Maya again
- find my tablet and fancy dice set
- make sweet tea
- call Cigna and demand a new insurance card
- find out where the DMV in this town
- find a hose to wash off all the bird poop from Pip

Ooh, it's getting late. Better go to sleep!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I was telling Whateley today how weird it was that I got used to the patches of grass on the side of freeways being green. In SoCal, the world was usually brown, and it wasn't until after a huge storm, or even a very wet season, that the wild grass would be green and you wonder why the world looked so vibrant that day. I think I made a post a long time ago about driving home from church one day, and being amazed at the green hills and making it look like I was in Ireland or something.

Sure, Austin's having a record rainy season, but it's always so humid, I'm guessing the grasses are always green... except perhaps in the one day of winter. :)

Whateley's been amazed at seeing fireflies at night. I've forgotten what they're like, since the last time I saw them was in Illinois as a kid, but it's cool to see little streaks of light in the air in the dead of night. I'm amazed at the really loud bugs that inhabit the trees. I think they're cicadas. Really, really loud. Crickets too. It weird that the giant bugs aren't freaking me out as much... well, just a little. Some people on the radio was joking that there were so many bugs this summer that the bats that live under the South Congress bridge don't have to fly off, they can just eat where they are. Largest urban bat population is in Austin, by the way. One of these days, we're gonna have to haul our butts there before 6 pm and watch them fly away for the night's feeding.

So how am I liking my new city? So far so good. We're sad that we don't have family here, but we love our new life. We gotta get off our lazy duff and go talk to our bank about mortgages.

We've also gone Southern in one way! We started making "sweet tea," which is just pre-sweetened ice tea. We watched an episode of Good Eats, where Alton showed how to make simple syrup which is a better way to sweeten the tea instead of table sugar. Anyway, it's pretty good! We're gonna have to serve you some, my faithful readers, if you ever come visit us.

That's it for now!

Monday, August 06, 2007


So, right after Whateley finished training, I got called in for a meeting and got offered a position in another department, different from Whateley's but on the same level in the overall company strata. And before I knew it, I the last two days of my week ended up being training for the new department (at 8 in the morning... but I'll get into that later).

So my new schedule will be Wednesday through Sunday, 1 pm to 10 pm.

Which is good since Whateley and I can still carpool and we still have one day off together. It's kinda sad, though, when I realized that we won't have a full weekend off together. But I guess that's good in that we can foist off errands on each other, and I'll have time to go to the library and stuff on my solo day (for some weird reason, Whateley doesn't like going to the library, although he likes bookstores... something to do with late fees... though I'd rather pay a buck in late fees to check out a book rather than buy it and then find out I hate it).

I am excited about my new position. I'll be dealing with less bitchy customers since I'll be dealing with more specialized cases. I can't really discuss it on a public blog, but let's just say, it's a better position... at least, I think.

Okay, gotta get going. We gotta go run errands... which means we're going to the comic book store and getting a boba. :)