Friday, January 31, 2003

Ooga booga. Must kill, kill, KILL!!! (Um, that's too much Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance talking.)

I'm sorta wondering how many people read this thing. I mean, I read other people's blogs without posting on their guestbooks. But occasionally, I do tell people when I see them in person that I enjoy their blogs. So... well, I don't want to seem pushy, but go ahead and sign my guestbook. I just would like to know if anyone's reading.

SAVE FARSCAPE!!! Hey it's a good show!

Anybody out there have a remedy for eczema or really flaky skin?

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Didja see this past Sunday's episode of Alias??? OMG!!! I felt like they just did a complete 180! And the opening shots of Sydney in lingerie were obviously meant to keep the football fans watching.

Anyway, I managed to watch most of the Super Bowl commercials, though I did tune out for an hour while I napped and also during The Simpsons. They were pretty good. I cared less about the game, though I do know plenty of Raiders fans that are disappointed.

Yesterday was my friend Andrea's 24th birthday. Happy Birthday!!! I can't believe I've known her since fifth grade. Now it's come to I've known her longer than not known her.

Sunday, January 26, 2003

Kinda peckish, though I need to go to bed soon. I like that Pillar Bible Church is early in the morning. I mean, it sucks cuz it's so tough to wake-up in the morning (and out the door by 8:50 at the latest!) but it's also great cuz it gives me the whole day afterwards to do whatever it is I need to do. Usually I drop by OfficeMax to see if there's anything free after rebate. Then I spend read through the Sunday LA Times.

Worked some more on Dad's presentation. It's now mostly adding a lot more pictures, though he wants to add a lot of corny animations and transitions. As my video professor said, any transition other than cross-dissolve is pretty corny and outdated. But then, that's video. It's kinda funny that since George Lucas put those wipes and whatnots in the original Star Wars Trilogy, he now has to put them in the prequels.

Friday, January 24, 2003

Hilarius and a bit gay.

I've been working on a PowerPoint presentation for my dad. I realized that even though I get frustrated with my dad that he can't pick up on things as quick as I'd like him to, that's no excuse for the way I've been treating him. I just need to somehow work out a "Not now Dad" that he won't get pissed at.

Dang, my sleep pattern is off... AGAIN!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2003

I saw Star Trek: Nemesis today. That was... not a great movie. The curse has been broken. Well, it was much more enjoyable if you're a Trekkie. Basically, I didn't get the motivations of the villain. And the whole plot premise was... confusing. Not that the plot was hard to understand. It's just that they tried to do what Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country did, except that the story patted itself up to be more important than it was. It was a dramatic ending, though. I wish they had a bigger cameo for Janeway. I wonder if they're further exploring in the novels what happened to the Voyager crew after they got home.

And I'm having trouble with my schedule at SMC. Gonna have to have a chat with the counselors.

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Ok, so far it's 4-for-4 against Brooks College. Let this be a lesson: when schools have to advertise on TV to get students, then it's probably not a good school. Actually, they seem pretty good for the really traditional design stuff: fashion design, fashion merchandising, and interior design. I'm still waiting a response from another random person whose resume I found on the web. (On a side note, a lot of these people were surprised that I got their e-mail addresses off the web. I guess they don't realize how thorough those crawlers on Google is.)

The Flash version of my website is up, but it's so sparse that it's hardly worth perusing.

Monday, January 20, 2003

The Golden Globes... eh. No biggie this year. Wish Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers won something.

Stuuuuupid flash. Arg. But on a side note, an all new all-flash site on the way!

Babies are cute. Especially newborns. Awwww. Still don't want to take care of them. Someone at church wanted me to take over her kindergarten Sunday school class. Umm... I don't think I've got the patience for kindergarteners. Heck, I barely had patience for 9-yr-olds.

Friday, January 17, 2003

Let this be a lesson to me: when trying to catch a movie at a certain time, make sure to leave early enough, especially if you don't know where the movie theater is and you have to drive around in circles trying to find it.

I've been having odd food cravings. And no, I'm not pregnant. I think I'm actually more of a subject of advertising and taste memories. Dang, I gotta quell these or otherwise I'll end up really unhealthy. Or maybe then I can sue McDonald's.

Tonight is Friday, and Firefly is still cancelled. I've been watching the DVD of Farscape first season. It's a pretty good show. I was saying that it reminded me a lot of Firefly, though Farscape came first. Hey, I got no cable TV. Let it be known that some of the best shows out there are the ones that are character-driven. At least in sci-fi spaceship shows.

American Idol is starting up next week. Do I watch or not? The episodes of the open auditions are hilarious, once Simon gets his claws out. But watching some previews, I think he's being nastier than usual. I think the FOX execs told him to turn it up a notch. How sad. I totally agree in not coddling those that simply do not have the talent to make it in the business, but telling the truth is one thing. Cruelty is another.

There goes that Jack-in-the-Box ad again. Mmmm... 99¢ bacon cheeseburger. Must... resist....

Saturday, January 11, 2003

I went to a women's seminar today with some fellow Pillar Bible Church sisters. It was really good. It was called "Idols of the Heart -- Learning to Long for God Alone" and the speaker was Elyse Fitzpatrick, who has written several books. It was eye-opening. I didn't think I was being idolatrous with my desire for a career, but it was, since I desired it more than desiring to know God. Is God's loving kindness worth more than life? Well, if a gunman came up to you and said, "Deny Christ, or I will kill you." Well, most Christians will refuse and die. But rarely is temptation that obvious or drastic. But when I'm facing my dwindling bank account, parental pressure (to get any job even if I don't like it as long as it makes a lot of money), and the general suckiness of being unemployed, can I say, "God's loving kindness is enough?" Well, truthfully, no, I can't. I wish I could, and I'm praying that I could, but at this moment, I don't think I can say it.

With that, I'm worried about the pending war with Iraq. I really wish we don't have to go to war. But I also know that Saddam Hussein needs to be deposed. And I'm not sure how we're going to do that without war. If called to go to war, could I do it? I don't know. I could say for a just war I could, but there's no such thing.

Feel free to drop me a line regarding these thoughts. My e-mail addy is on the left.

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

My current desktop image. Sorry it's a bit big. I couldn't figure out how to link to the smaller picture.

I was reading some blogs of people that I used to know at KCPC. And it got me thinking. It wasn't until senior year of high school that I realized that I didn't care whether or not I was popular and involved in all the popular activities, as long as I was happy and had a handful of really good friends that I could count on.

Well, during college, at church I realized that I tried to do almost the same thing. I wanted to be one of the "popular" kids, i.e. the ones that were highly visible. The ones that got mentioned by Pastor Eugene by name during his messages at FiCB. The ones that were part of the in-jokes during Senior Banquet.

But it's all pointless. Yeah, KCPC wasn't the excruciating social experiment as high school, but invariably, in a large organization, you're going to have cliches. And that means that you'll have popular kids. And it kills me that even after learning that I didn't like playing the game during high school, that I unwittingly placed myself in the games during college. But I'm not saying that I was complete social outcast. I had my handfull of really good friends, and a bigger handfull of mildly-close friends. And though I didn't stand out, I didn't fade out either. But then, that's most people. Smack dab in the middle. I'm such a follower. I really wish I had the courage and strength to march to my own drum and not be afraid to be different and not try so hard to fit-in to someone else's group and instead make my own group. Like my friend Erica. I have to admire her for that, cuz even though she's part of a gazillion social circles, she's not afraid to be herself and make friends with the people she wants to.

It's almost 4 am. I should sleep. Watching the rerun New Year's Eve episode of Conan O'Brien on TV right now. He is so hilarious. I remember thinking that he was sooo terrible when he first started. But then he got his stride when he started his now-trademark humor: self-deprecating, i-can't-believe-he-just-did-that humor. Makes me want to go to New York to see a taping.
Stupid blogger template not doing what I want it to do....
Now and then, I think about all the things I've done in my life and cringe over mistakes I've made and the times I stuck my foot in my mouth. I think I should stop doing that. After all, the people I offended or slighted probably don't remember what happened. Or else, they ceased to care. But then, every now and then, I think about times other people have hurt me or offended me, and I do get a little mad again. So... uh-oh. I guess now I gotta think of it as... everybody makes mistakes. Let it go. Let it goooooo.

Cold symtoms update: a set of 2 coughs every 10 to 15 mins, less during meal times.

Monday, January 06, 2003

New Year's Eve was spent baby-sitting my 3-and-9-yr-old cousins. The older one had friends over for a party while their parents went out for a party of their own. It wasn't too bad. Though I got rather sick of Power Rangers: Wild Force, which my aunt has deemed better than WWF. I guess. He, thankfully, fell asleep at 9:30. Also, thank the Lord, my grandparents were there, so I didn't have to deal with his stinky diapers. I thought he'd be toilet-trained by now.

Also, The Two Towers on the IMAX screen = majorly awesome. And not in the 80's slang term, but its original meaning.

On a side note, last night there was some really heavy winds and a blackout for about three hours. I hope my computer didn't suffer any problems. (Hey, gotta know what's important! j/k)