Tuesday, February 26, 2008

We're dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's in the war front. We've filled out a bunch of paperwork with the realtors, a bunch of paperwork with the title company (which isn't that much, but I'm being poetic here), and the bunch of paperwork with the mortgage company (which is just a hair over an almost-literal mountain of paperwork). We're still not done with the mortgage stuff (Damn, who knew they'd scrutinize everything! And we learned yet again that the next time my parents want to purchase anything in my name, refuse and run away!) And later in the week, we'll end up signing a bunch of paperwork with the insurance company so we could get homeowner's insurance. Which, of course, got a bit more complicated since it was cheaper if we got auto insurance with them too. We're just surrounded by paper, and it's driving me nuts. I need a friggin' secretary to organize everything and keep things filed. It irks me to no end to have to turn the apartment upside down every time we need to find something.

We gave our 60-day notice to our apartment. Basically, we told them we're not renewing our lease. It's kinda funny. In California, I never had any problems getting out of a lease. But here, they were going to charge us a buttload of money to break it. And it seemed far easier just to pay rent until the end of our lease rather than break it a month early. But what's nice about that is that we have plenty of time to put our house in order and buy appliances and make some repairs before we have to move in. We're definitely going to have to do some tiling. I mean, 2 out of the 3 bathrooms have carpeting! And it's one thing to have a little carpet by the vanity or whatnot. But by the shower and toilet too? Did the house designer never have a toilet that overflowed, or stepped out of the shower to grab a new bar of soap while soaking wet?

Of course, all the toilets are low-flow, and with my monster-crap, we're probably gonna have issues.... Hmmmm... I wonder if we can get a standard 3.5 gallon one and designate that as my crapper-toilet.

Well, enough about my ass, please feel free to leave a comment!


SuperLefty said...

congrats on the house! hope to visit you then. when do you expect to move?

Unknown said...

Yeah, companies really like it when you choose them twice. Did they give you a discount for getting auto insurance with them too?