Monday, July 28, 2008

Wow, it's been awhile since I posted.

Whateley got worried that I was complaining about our marriage in my last post, so I told him I'd make a post about how he's a great husband. It took awhile since last weekend his parents came to visit (which I'll post about on a later date.) Since then, we've seen Mamma Mia (which is a fun movie) with his parents. And he's even taken me out to sushi a couple of times, where he enjoyed a california roll while I had my sake and hamachi nigiri.

Anyway, while no marriage is perfect, I say that Whateley and I have a great marriage. We laugh together a lot, we have a lot of fun together, whether it's in WoW or other things, and we have the same goals in life. I can't remember the number of times I had asked for a back rub and he happily gave it. Or the times he's rubbed my feet. And I love how we're just walking around, and he'll turn to me and say, "I need a kiss." He's kind of like a puppy. He likes affection and he likes giving it. Growing up in an Asian family, affection isn't something we showed towards each other. Some might say I was affection-starved, though I don't think any more than the average Asian family.

I love how we can have the greatest time just snuggling in front of the TV. And I love how he tells me I'm beautiful and how sexy he can make me feel. I have to be honest, since we moved to Texas, I've put on some pounds that I'm not too happy about. But Whateley tells me I'm hot all the time, and then I don't feel bad about my weight. I love that we still hold hand wherever we go. And I really love Whateley's sense of humor, which meshes with mine, and we have those stupid/weird/gross conversations that would either horrify or confuse anyone else listening in. Let's just say, there have been many conversations that include us laughing our arses off and saying, "Oh, we are going to hell" or "We are horrible people." You know those conversations.

And even when we fight, I love Whateley because he never stoops too low, he doesn't get petty, he doesn't bring up past fights, he apologizes when he's wrong, and he thanks me when I apologize for when I'm wrong. I can't say the same for me, so I'm very lucky that Whateley's better at this stuff than me.

And Whateley is one of the very few people in my life that I don't mind spending all of my time with. You know how even with your closest friends, sometimes being around them too long can grate on your nerves and you just need a break from them? I mean, you love hanging out with them, and you can spend all day with them, and all night even, and possible all day the day after, but after that they've just worn out their welcome? I remember reading in Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus that men need time apart to rejuvenate their love for their wife. That men need to go away to their "cave." And we totally agreed when that time came, Whateley should go into his cave. But the funny part is, in the two years we've been married, he's never gone in the cave. He said once that he thought he might have to, but he decided he'd rather spend that time with me. And the only times I've ever wanted time away from him was to watch Hannah Montana or Project Runway, which he has watched with me on some occasions but refuse to do so for the most part. (Though part of this may be that we both enjoy surfing the web and reading, which we can both do separately but still sitting next to each other.)

I have asked on occasion whether or not it's healthy for a husband and wife to spend almost 24/7 together. After all, we work at the same company, sit next to each other, take our breaks together, drive together, and take our days off together. The few times we were separate was when he or I was sick and stayed home. But so far, I like it. We really enjoy each other's company, and that's just made our marriage great.

Anyway, my apologies to any of my readers if this was a rather sappy post. I'll be sure to whine and complain in my next one. After all, it'll be about my in-laws. (Oh no she did-unt!)

Monday, July 07, 2008

Our 2nd wedding anniversary is coming up in less than 24 hours. Weird. On one hand, it feels like we've been together forever. On the other hand, I remember our wedding like it was yesterday. Two years, though. That's hardly anything. Though to be fair, we've known each other for 13 years now.

We've been lazy about getting errands done and cleaning the house. We've run out of excuses, though. Whateley's parents are coming to visit in just 10 days, and we still don't have the guest bedroom ready. And they're all prim and proper people, so I'm guessing they won't just live out of their suitcases like my family does.

Life is just plodding along. Things aren't changing, but considering the amount of change I've been through in the past two years, I'm a bit glad for the boringness of non-change. But as life goes on and we get involved in the lives of our friends, I'm so very, very glad that I have Whateley, and we are in it together. Life can be hard and difficult, and I do have to say, it'd be much more hard and difficult doing it by yourself.

Though, I do have to say, things aren't by all means rosy and happy like the movies. It still takes a lot of work. I think I've seen more zombie movies in the past three years than I had ever seen previously combined. And I've eaten less fish per year than I used to average per month. Whateley feels bad about it, but I'm not going to force him to eat more fish, and I'm certainly too lazy to cook separate meals of fish just for myself. Not to mention, I'm not too crazy about the frozen fish selection at Costco, and I don't go shopping often enough to get fresh fish from the markets. (He has, however, discovered that he likes California Rolls. So the next time we go get sushi, he'll happily get a few of those.)

Now that we have a house, Whateley and I are finding ourselves to be real homebodies. Which is cool since our friends don't have houses (or else they have roommates) so our house became the hang-out place. I'm reminded of my rich aunt in SoCal (I'll call her Aunt Luna in my internet world) whose house is the hang-out place for our family. Every family gathering is pretty much held at her place. But her house is the largest, there's plenty of space for everyone to hang out without getting into each other's faces. Not to mention my grandparents live with them, and that means they don't have to get in a car and be driven for an hour to get to someone else's house.

Anyway, what's cool about having our house be the hang-out place is that we don't have to worry about getting to someone else's place on time (though we do have to worry about cleaning up before everyone gets here) and we don't have to worry about driving late at night or drinking. For 4th of July, everyone came over and we got steaks from Costco which we cooked on the Griddler. And then other people brought more meat and some side dishes and booze. And the steaks were really, really good. As were the margaritas. :-)

And the great part about that was that both Whateley and I could drink (though I certainly drank more than Whateley...) and not have to worry about being sober enough to drive home. We just had to crawl upstairs and climb into bed. And hope we wouldn't throw up.

Anyhoo, not much more news to report. This summer is definitely hotter than last, and not as wet either. Which is good, I guess, for guests. But not so good for our lawn. Lame that there's tons of humidity but it doesn't get cold enough in the mornings for it to dew, so our lawn ends up parched still. Blah humidity!