Friday, August 29, 2008

Las Vegas was fun. I won $150 in one pull from Megabucks. Of course, that was only one pull, and we definitely put more in than we got out. Sigh.... Why does the Millionaire lifestyle elude us?

Whateley and I were talking about how when we have kids, we probably won't be able to go to Vegas until we can saddle them on someone for a weekend or else they're old enough to take care of themselves while we're gone. So yeah... not for a long while.

I had a lot of thoughts running through my head, but I suddenly got tired, so I'm not sure if I have the energy to rant. One thought that crossed my mind was that we didn't get an extra bonus this month that we thought we were going to get. I'm not sure of the reasons why, but I'm guessing that means profits are down. Though, in this economy, I'm not surprised.

It got me thinking about what we're going to be doing in the future. I don't want to work customer service for the rest of my life, but on the other hand, it's a lot more secure and steady than trying to get an art job. And with us talking about having kids sometime soon, secure and steady is a lot more appealing than trying to break in to the 3D animation industry. I just wish our job paid better. Us not getting the bonus means we'll have to dip into our savings to get an elliptical machine. And we need to exercise more. There is no way I'm gonna put on more weight than what I've already got squirting out a baby.

I'm glad we got out of California, though. There, I'm not sure how we could've raised kids on what Whateley and I are making. We could probably barely afford rent, let alone a mortgage.

And on top of that, I slept funny on my neck last week, and my neck and shoulders and upper back have been aching all week. I actually called out sick since I couldn't move around without it hurting. I can at least get on and off the bed and couch now, but it still aches. It feels like how it did right after my accident all those years ago. I don't know, perhaps I never fully healed from it, and this is a relapse.


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