Sunday, March 29, 2009

One of the things we inherited from buying our house was a slow cooker. Two of them, actually. I finally put one to use. We had gotten an onion-and-garlic-marinated pork loin from Costco awhile back, and after sitting in the freezer for awhile, I decided to experiment and cook it in the slow cooker. Let's just say, I've been researching slow cooker pork loin recipes for days.

Pork loin's not the best type of meat to cook in a slow cooker since it has relatively little connective tissue, and it's fairly dry. Well, I put it in the cooker with a bottle of beer and went to work today. We came back to the house smelling amazing. Basically, all the fat rendered out but the wet cooking method kept the meat moist. We just shredded it. We had invited our friend Xeowolf over, and he and Whateley ate the pork by piling it on top of nachos. I just put them in pita pockets, the first one with some hot sauce and soy sauce, and the second with lots of barbecue sauce. Let's just say, shredded pork goes really well with barbecue sauce. Yum.

The meat did need a little more salt, though. Next time, we'll add some salt to the cooking liquid so it'll have 8 hours to soak as it cooks. Actually, I want to try cooking a more appropriate cut of meat too. Brisket seems to be a good choice. And being in Texas, brisket is king for some odd reason.

My next cooking experiment, though, is finding a good noodle to go with curry. I just don't think Italian pasta is the way to go. We got some Asian ramen noodles, so hopefully that'll taste appropriate. I would like to have gotten rice noodles, but they only seem to come in the really thin kind. Like vermicelli. Maybe I'm just being too picky.


beno hwang said...

just a test... cos i always have problems leaving comments on your blog.

황명록 beno hwang said...

kaela and i got a crock pot around christmas last year. we've been using it a bit. you can ask her for recipes. i know some japanese restaurants sell curry udon. maybe you should try that.