Tuesday, May 10, 2005

My sleep pattern's wack. Erg. But what else is new?

I admit, I waste a lot of time. I'm always complaining of not having time to do homework, sleep, do chores, etc, but in reality, it's one of those, well, I-could-make-the-time-if-I-worked-at-it kind of deals. Like today, after bowing out of work early, I rushed home to eat a hurried meal, do some more agonizing frustrations on the animation scene for the club advisor, grabbed my stuff and went to class, where I worked on revising my storyboard but didn't get a chance to show it to the teacher (who also is the advisor). But I showed him my roach run, got some feedback, and basically, this scene will HAUNT ME FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Argh!

So after I came home, I basically crashed (I only got an hour of sleep the night before), and woke up in time to pick up Dave from class and eat dinner. But then, I could've done work, but it was just disheartening to do so, so instead I caught up on reading blogs, read some articles, even watched last week's Enterprise. But now, I gotta go to bed cuz I have to work at 10:30 tomorrow morning. It's gonna be a full day, cuz it's a long shift and there's a Siggraph meeting afterwards that I want to go to. I haven't been in a long time, and I paid for that membership, dagnabit!

I guess I should post pictures of Falcon Girl's new outfits. Her classic costume has remained the same, but I changed her "spy suit" into a workout ensemble, and updated her formal dress into something classier (read: not slutty). Like I said, I'll post pictures later, but my graphics card sucks, so the quality won't be so nice. I suppose I can always get Whateley to take screenshots for me. :)

I don't know when I can work on a drawing for the Falcon Duo, but I'll get to it one of these days. If anything, it will give me a chance to practice painting with Photoshop. Though it would be nicer with a Wacom tablet. I've been eye-ing the Intuos 6x8 (though 9x12 would be even better). Sigh. The things I would get if I had money.

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