Sunday, January 07, 2007

So I'm reading this article which was basically a summary of Terry Irwin's (Steve Irwin's wife... or widow, I guess) interview on TV, and there's a picture of her on the verge of tears with a sad expression on her face... and all I can think is, boy, she's got a lot of wrinkles on her face! Dang, she looks like she's going on 60!

I know, I know, I'm going straight to hell.

But this only proves the point: if you're white (well, just lack a good deal of melanin in general) and you spent a lot of time outdoors, protect your skin! Sun damage will age your skin faster than cheese!

1 comment:

황명록 beno hwang said...

yah, i definitely believe in sunscreen n' givin' urself adequate shading. i prefer we asians not go 'round sayin' so much that other races age poorly compared to us etc. let's just leave it as a sunscreen n' sun exposure thing. after all, perhaps it's not that we age better but that we age _differently_.