Thursday, December 28, 2006

I'm in love!!!

Yeah yeah... Whateley... vows...'til death... whatever. No... I mean, sitting in front of me is a thing of beauty, a sight to behold, something that stirs love in even the coldest of hearts.

Yes, it's a new widescreen LCD monitor. *love ya!

My old monitor had gone fuzzy. Literally. I kept having hard time reading the text in WoW, and I thought, boy these designers sure picked an illegible font! Whereupon Whateley pointed out that it was perfectly clear on his monitor. Which then made me realize that things are not suppose to appear that fuzzy on a monitor.

So... I got a brand new monitor (it's so beautitful!) that's making Whateley green with envy. But per my suggestion, he's going to wait a month for his birthday and he can ask for gift cards to help pay for it. And let me just say, God bless gift cards!

It was a pretty good Christmas. It was weird going from Whateley's family Christmas in the morning (10 people total, including us!) to my family's Christmas, where it was three or four times that number. And that's sort of a low turnout this year. And we were the youngest people at his family gathering, but there were kids galore at mine.

1 comment:

ericinLA said...

A. Grats that you're married. B. Grats that you found new love with an LCD. C. Condolences that work still chews up an inordinate amount of your time, but isn't that as it's been for a while?

I bought (G*D knows how I justified it) a 24" Dell widescreen and it's amazing. Don't know how I lived with a crummy 19" CRT for ten years, but I did. It goes very well with my brand new Mac Pro which cranks. Now, of course I'm in debt, but I have cool toys, eh?

Are you out of school now? Hope so. If you're on WoW, look me up, Fondluk. I never got into the COH/CIV thing but WoW is fun. Ask my g/f who devotes 8 hours a day if I let her.

Best, EricO