Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dang, it's been such a long time since I posted!

Anyway, for those of you that don't know, Whateley and I moved to Austin, Texas. I know, why the frak would we do that? Hmm... why did we?

Well, our company opened up another center here, and we decided that the cost of living is much cheaper out here than in SoCal, and we have a decent chance of buying a house within a year instead of 5 years later like it would take in SoCal. So... we up and moved. We have no family and no friends here, outside of our fellow co-workers who also made the move. It was crazy and a part of me still wonders if we did the right thing.

At least Austin in the one spot of blue in a sea of red. I mean, sure our votes won't count for anything in any presidential elections, and any state-wide initiatives probably won't go our way, but this city is electic on its own. After all, the unofficial slogan is "Keep Austin Weird." We went into the comic shop the other day and one of the T-shirts they were selling showed Bush holding the Statue of Liberty like a vampire holding it's victim, and you see two red fang marks and blood dripping from his mouth. So I'm glad not all Texans are blindly pro-Bush.

Right now our work schedule sucks cuz we're setting everything up and hiring like crazy and training people like crazy, but it promises to get better as time passes. Hopefully Whateley and I can get a schedule where we can meet up with our WoW buddies and do raids. Now that we're in Central Time, we can better meet up with our Pacific Time buddies.

We just finally got Internet, so in the next coming days, I'll post about our drive to Texas and more about our impressions of this odd little city. Little, cuz geographically, it's actually smaller than Orange County.

More later, please feel free to comment!

1 comment:

황명록 beno hwang said...

geez! took u long 'nuff to update!

hey, my wurd verification wurd is "ucfki." funny.