Sunday, May 20, 2007

Okay, another post! I wouldn't mind talking about our drive here, actually:

So the day before we took off the movers were coming, so we had pretty much stayed up all night finishing up the packing. We crashed at 6 am, but fortunately, the movers didn't come until about 5 pm, so I was able to sleep 'til noon and get at least some sleep. But Whateley, as I found out, used to be a nervous, stressed out wreck all the time. He's calmed down in the past few years, but moving brought it all out of him. So while I got 6 hrs of sleep, he got 30 minutes.

So that night, when we were staying the night at Whateley's parents' house (since we had to move out of the apartment that day), we just crashed at 10 pm. Which was weird considering 10 pm was when we usually ended work.

So we got up, had some breakfast, and we got on the road! And that's when I found out that Whateley has never caravan-ed before, so after a tense phone call of me going, "where the hell are you?" we met up again, and then we were off.

Anyway, I had an iPod full of Morning Stories and the drive was for the most part uneventful. We only set out to drive about 8 hours, although it ended up being more like 9 or 10 since Google maps is a liar! We first stayed in a town right on the border between Arizona and New Mexico, and there wasn't much there. We crashed and woke up early, so when we took off before 10 am, I figured, hey, we're making really good time! We should end up at our stop tonight around 6 or 7 pm!

Well, y'see, that's when we discovered this one crucial fact. Arizona is in the Pacific Time Zone. New Mexico is in the Mountain Time Zone. Texas, for the most part, is the Central Time Zone. So our next stop, which was in the western portion of Texas, was two hours ahead of where we started off in the morning. So when we arrived, it was almost 10 pm (the extra hour, again, due to Google maps being a liar). And this place, Sonora, TX, is a hot tourist spot cuz of some caverns nearby. But apparently, you can't get something to eat past 9 pm. Our only option was food from a convenience store. :-6

Erg. But we arrived in Austin around 3 pm the next day, and thus began our Texas adventure!

One note, the humidity was incredibly thick that day and I had a panicked feeling that that was normal. Luckily, a local told us it was not, and after a few days, the humidity turned down. It's still more humid than SoCal, but it's actually very nice. I'm realizing now how dry the air was there. I haven't even used any moisturizer on my eczema-affected face.

Okay, more later!

1 comment:

황명록 beno hwang said...

wow, ur acct makes roadtrips sound like so much fun. seriously... it makes me miss drivin' n' listenin' to musik or whate'er. however, 1) gas's expen$ive, n' 2) i know i'll get sick'f drivin' after a while, rt? i mean, 'f course, in ur case, u had a very good reason to be drivin', but... i dunno when i'd make 'nother roadtrip. i haven't driven down the 5 to socal in a long time. the only big drivin' i've done in more recent months's to tahoe 4 snowboarding; that was more like just a wkly commute, not a roadtrip... cos i know those streets so well etc., i guess. i dunno. maybe i'll try to convince my taekwondo students to go to a tournament down in socal in early fall. then we can make a roadtrip down the 5.