Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Awww... no comments about my and Whateley's poo conversation. :(

My company's been trying to be helpful in regards to our future and possible career paths. But the sad fact is, customer service is 80% of the company staffing, and while it is one way into the other aspects of the company, it's not a guaranteed route, and the skills needed for that end requires so much more other training/knowledge than what you can get doing customer service.

Not to mention, it's all still back in SoCal and we'd have to move back if I want to work in those departments. Sigh.

Like I was saying to Whateley, I'm not sure what lies in my future... but I'm not sure it's in the company that I am in right now. But then, maybe what we got from that company was a means to move out of Southern California. And perhaps one day we will move back, when the real estate market isn't so crazy and we actually have a snowball's chance in Hell of being able to afford a place and raise a family.

Meanwhile, I need to get off my duff and re-install Maya on my computer and work on my portfolio.

I need to stop being all depressy. So much a... woman. (Um... direct all outrages to Whateley. He's a MAN. It's all his fault.)


황명록 beno hwang said...

s'pposedly there's a site called i've never cn it.

SuperLefty said...

it's been a crazy past couple of months. i finally caught up on your posts now. better late than never. :) your poo post was very you and Whateley, but still gross. :[ glad that you're settling into austin and gladder that you might come back to california one day. i think i'll take to writing you letters again, once i find your address. i miss you! and there's lots to talk to you about, although mostly mundane things. hopefully i'll get to come out and visit you after the first qtr. working on posting some pics and stuff, but trying to move in first. :p haha. you leave me marathon voicemails and i leave you epistolary comments.

Artiste said...

That website is... absolutely disgusting.