Saturday, November 24, 2007

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!

Ours was okay. Since we had to work on Thursday, we got together at a co-worker's on Tuesday for some Thanksgiving fajitas. She makes fantastic fajitas. We also got to see her in action with her kids. Dang, she's five years younger than me, and she's already got four kids. Well, to be fair, the last two were twins, but that's a lot of kids. And having four kids under the age of five was exhausting just looking at them.

On Thursday they fed us turkey and the works, but I'm guessing the higher ups forgot that the department grew four times when we moved to Austin, and they ordered the same amount of food as last year. So it was really sad getting in line and getting a meal the size of an elementary school lunch just to make all the food stretch. And it wouldn't have been as bad if we didn't have last year to compare it to, where we had mounds of food and enough for seconds and thirds. The cornbread stuffing was pretty good, though everything else was baseline turkey dinner. Eh, just whining.

We're set to go on our first house showing on Tuesday. Yay! I fully don't expect us to buy a house right away, yet... if somehow we find the perfect house for the perfect price, we may end up moving into a house of our own by the end of the year. But all in all, it's a good time to buy, we here, since winter is not a popular season to be buying and people are getting more antsy to sell. Wish us luck!

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