Friday, December 13, 2002

Happy Friday the 13th!

The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition rocks!!! I really love the new parts. They deal mostly with character and not much with plot (it would have to be, otherwise Peter Jackson couldn't really cut them out to begin with) but they do so much to expand each character, especially the hobbits. I'm such a fan-girl.

On other news, not much else. Applied at yet another retail store. We'll see if I actually get a call. Would it be considered discrimination if you don't get hired cuz you're too educated? Nowadays so many over-qualified people apply for all types of low-wage jobs. I've heard of PhDs applying for lab assistant jobs. Stuff usually reserved for undergrads.

I'll eventually put a link to this blog on my website. I think a major overhaul is necessary. The whole Flash journal gave me ideas.

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