Sunday, July 25, 2004

Maybe I'm trolling around too much for comments when none of y'all have any. 'sokay.

As many of you know, I did a stupid thing and procrastinated on my last week's homework project. So basically, after a 7.5-hr shift on Thursday night, I drove to Santa Monica and pulled an all-nighter so I could turn in my project at 8 am the next morning. Let's just say, that was hell. (BTW, thanks Dave for all your help!)

(See how I give shout-outs? I tend to give more to those who leave comments. Hint hint. Heehee.)

So I have to make sure to finish this week's assignment this weekend. Why? Well, you'll see when I post my schedule! Though most of you already know.

I was driving a co-worker crazy today from my recitations of various lines from Romeo and Juliet. Yep, Shakespeare. Well, that's what happens when you're forced to memorize a monologue in ninth grade and it sticks. I mean, don't y'all have something that you memorized eons ago that you just can't forget?

My schedule:
Sun -- church picnic, 5-ish to 11:45 pm
Mon through Thu -- LAS VEGAS!!!
Fri -- school
Sat -- 4:15 am to 12:15 pm
Sun -- 6 to 11:45 pm

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