Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I applied for a passport today. It expired five years ago, but my Dad said that they were going to raise rates come April 1st. The lady at the post office said that the rates were raised in early March. But in six to ten weeks, I can skip out of the country whenever I want. Hah!

I watched "13 Going on 30" and it's a cute movie. I tried forever to access the deleted scenes and other features and the realized that it's probably a bootleg copy and therefore didn't have it, though it did have the commentaries and the making-of video.

Sigh. I feel a little lethargic.

Celebrity serving for today: Sarah Jessica Parker.

She came in before, and I recognized her voice, but she was wearing huge sunglasses. The thing was, it was six in the morning, so it was a little conspicuous. Eh. And celebrities have to wait in line just like everyone else.

Alright, off to do homework. Or eat. Or watch TV while I do either.

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