Friday, September 23, 2005

That auto body shop is driving me crazy!

I mean, what is wrong with them? Do they think I can't handle the truth? If it will take two months to fix my car, then tell me it will take two months! Don't tell me it will take "two weeks" and then keep on telling me "it will be done next week" for four freakin' weeks! I mean, they are losing so much credibility in my eyes. If I said to a client, "Sure, your shots will be ready in a week" and then take a month to do it, will they hire me again in the future? Heck no! I don't even care that they are "giving us discount on our deductible." All I wanted was the truth. Damn, what did they think I would do, throw a fit if they didn't tell me it would be done the next week? I am throwing a fit because they keep lying to me!

That's all I wanted. The straight and simple truth. It will take awhile. I mean, why the heck did they even tell me 2 weeks in the first place if they knew it would take more than a month? I went through hell trying to figure out ride situations and whatnot because I thought they'd be done. I now owe a lot of favors and have stretched my friendships thin getting people to drive my butt around because I was scheduled for stuff that I couldn't reach by bus. Not to mention, I've lost countless hours and been late to countless stuff (or missed them entirely) because I had to wait for the stinkin' bus.

Now, if I had known it would have taken this long to fix my car, I would've first, not been scheduled to open at my store. Second, I would've put my availabilities such that I could allow plenty of travel time for school and physical therapy. Third, bought the appropriate bus card so that I wouldn't have to keep reloading and also wouldn't have a gap where I had to scrounge around for change.

I mean, how many people are pissed at me for waking them up at 4:45 in the morning, or else having them drive out of the way to pick me up? My co-worker asked me at one point why I keep opening (shifts) if I don't have a car. And my answer? Well... uh... I thought I'd have it back by now?

I mean, how can I explain this to the body shop so they'll know the anguish I went through because of their constant lying?

I wouldn't even be using this place if I hadn't let my parents bully me into taking it there. I mean, sure, we're saving some money and my parents sorta know them and such, but what does that get us? I mean, just figuring out how we're going to pick the damn car up is a nightmare!

Sigh. I should've just held my ground and had the insurance company pick the place instead. That way, I wouldn't have had to pay for the towing fee, they would've given me a definite fix-by date, and they would've given me a rental car (which I would have had until my car was fixed, even if the body shop they chose kept lying about their fix-by date, too). But because my parents were yelling at me in my fragile emotional state about how expensive all the repairs would be, I now have to deal with this mess.


황명록 beno hwang said...

when i 1st got my subaru, after 1 month, i crashed it in tahoe. i had to leave it in a body shop there 4 1 month! luckily, it was the month'f february, so it was a short month.


황명록 beno hwang said...

@ the same time, that body shop was nicer to me than this body shop's being to u. they eventually gave me a free loaner car n' cash to pay 4 gas/dinner 4 my trip out to their shop when i tried to pick up the car only to find out it wasn't done.

SuperLefty said...

hmm...i'd say rage against the body shop, but since they still have your car and they're not done with it, i'd hold off on that. is there any way that you can still get a rental car, given that your insurance probably covers that for a few days? and, now that you know, maybe you can adjust your schedule. why do you like working opening shifts? is it because it's before your day officially begins? sorry if i am pouring salt on an open wound. just wondering.

Anonymous said...

You do have legal options, given the description. It sounds like you were pressured into taking their service. Secondly, do you have any written contract stating an estimated finish-by date?

There are definitly methods of recourse, including claims for lost time and extra expenses. Wish you the best of luck regarding that.