Friday, September 30, 2005

Well now, that last entry certainly got people commenting.

Update on my car: I got it back. She still smells like paint, but she's whole and beautiful. Well, 100% she ain't. The front driver's side door had a gap where wind rushed through and whistled, but I took it back to the shop where the guy "fixed" it by pulling and pushing with his body until the door fit back into shape. 'course, that left the door a bit warped cuz now there's a gap between the dashboard and the door hinge, but at least it's not open and won't whistle. If there's anything more wrong with her, they just told me to bring 'er back.

I'm mixing my pronouns. I'm used to referring to a car with "it" but since it is my first car of my very own (though being paid for mostly by my parents, but it's in my name), and I've given it a name and whatnot, it's a little more personal to refer to it as "she." I plan on keeping Pip for a long time. As long as she'll keep going.

Anyway, I've been tired but work has been going better. Why? Cuz there's less of it. I mean, having a little extra money's good, but not at the expense of my health and schooling. Besides, it's so little extra money (especially after taxes and whatnot) that it's really not worth it for me to spend all that time at work. I am much better off working on my crap and getting the heck out of there.

Alright, back to homework.


Anonymous said...

does it play a mean game of dodgeball when you call it 'Frenchie?'

I would suggest pouring some water along that area if possible to make sure it's not leaking-- with the 'rainy' season coming up, you don't want to find out later.

Also, check the warranty on any parts and labor! don't let them screw you any further than they already have.

SuperLefty said...

hooray for pip! i'm glad that she recovered., in a week or two, i should have time...want to meet up/hang out?

Anonymous said...

I wanna comment... but I got nothing.