Friday, October 21, 2005

I took a tour of Rhythm & Hues studio today. I took a tour once before, but this time our group was smaller and more intimate. And we were able to ask a lot more questions. Boooy do I want to work there. They showed us some stuff from the upcoming Narnia film, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and it's looking sweet! They want everyone to know that they did the animation for Aslan and the other main CG characters, not Weta as the websites seem to suggest. Weta Workshop did the prop design and the character design, but the actual CG work was done at R&H, with some work also done at Sony and ILM. Sigh. I want a real job....

I think my biggest hurdle is my own laziness. It's really hard to get over it. I've been out of Berkeley for almost four years now, and it seems like I've been taking far too long to get my act together. Gotta work on my reel, gotta work on my reel....

My car is finally done! Now I just have to go pick it up. Hah, they said it would take one day, and it ended up taking two weeks!

BTW, everyone has gone and seen Serenity, right? My longtime readers will know how much I loved the show Firefly when it was on the air and how frustrated I was when it kept getting pre-empted by baseball and whatnot. Well, three years later, it's got a bigger following through the DVDs than the original fans. Which only goes to prove that had the network toughed it out (and not scheduled it on Friday night -- where shows go to die), then they would've had a huge hit on their hands. The movie was great. It's a bigger wet dream for fans than non-fans, but many non-fans say that after they watched the movie they want to watch the show. During the last tour of R&H, actually, I saw a tape for a scene from Serenity that they composited. I was drooling, and it would've been veeery tempting to sneak a look. For those of you that like character-driven sci-fi westerns, you definitely have to watch the movie. If you want some insight into the show, then the fan podcast is pretty good.

Alright, 10-4 peeps.


SuperLefty said...

and bob's your uncle! ") *muah*

Anonymous said...

Give a heart felt nod to our wonderful authors fair computer. It died today sometime during the night. Hopefully a replacement will be found that looks oddly like the original, but with different innards. However, while a newish computer can fill the role of the old computer, nobody could replace that pile of junk.