Sunday, January 08, 2006

Alright, I've already lost the bet that I couldn't work on my reel for six hours today (it'll be more like 5... or possibly 4), so I'm going to waste more time to share a story.

Before I begin, let me just say, Whateley and I are engaged!

We've been talking about getting married for the past six months. It came about during our Vegas trip this past summer when our friends eloped at the last minute. Whateley and I got to talking, and we decided that we would get married the next year. Anyway, we had a sorta date and no ring, so according to Dr. Laura, we weren't officially engaged. That and we hadn't come out to our parents either. Anyway, once that all occurred, we went looking for rings, which really consisted of me looking online for the type of ring I would like. Y'know what I discovered? has a jewelry section, and they've got some pretty good deals! Apparently, I freaked Whateley out by "becoming a girl." I say that there's a girly-girl inside every tough cookie and nothing brings out the giggly girly-girl than choosing her engagement ring. (It's bee-yoo-ti-ful!)

So now the story of our official engagement. Last Wednesday, Whateley found out that he put the wrong address when he ordered the ring, and he went to pick it up from the FedEx office himself. I was asleep so he needn't have worried, but he basically came up with an excuse that he was "out fetching boba." Okay... that was slightly suspicious but I figured he had a craving. That and I was still half-asleep so I just bought it. Anyway, so once I was awake, Whateley says, "We should go out to dinner tonight." That was slightly suspicious since he rarely makes plans for dinner so early in the day. Anyway, I said, "Sure, but I was thinking we could go to Santa Monica so I could go pick up my bike." Well, his gears started rolling and he figured he had to get me to the pier. So he said, "Hey, could we go to the Promenade? I want to check out Puzzle Zoo again." Well, I remember how he liked that store, so I, again, thought nothing of it.

Anyway, we're at the Promenade, we go through Puzzle Zoo, and then he says, "We should go to the pier." I reply, "I think they're closed." He said, "No, I think I saw the ferris wheel lit up." Anyway, we went there, walked around, the ferris wheel was lit up but the amusement park was closed. Anyway, we walk around the pier to a semi-secluded spot and he asks me, "Isn't this romantic?" My reply? "Well, I know it's suppose to be romantic, but it's not so much for me, because it's dirty, there are a lot of homeless people walking around, and it's getting cold. I think I'm definitely an indoor girl. I like the idea of nature, but in reality, I don't like being in nature. It's not what I consider romantic." Well, apparently, that crushed his heart a little, but hey, what did I know?

So he then says, "What, are you saying that if I pulled out a ring and proposed to you here, it wouldn't be romantic?"

I replied, "Well, it is nice, but it's not my ideal romantic spot."

Then Whateley pulls out a ring box and says, "Well then..." and then he gets down on one knee. At this point, I am in shock and my only response is, "Oh my God!"

It was a simple Will-You-Marry-Me and a simple Yes. Ah. Sigh.

Afterwards, Whateley admitted that this whole proposal business has been stressing him out forever, and especially that day, he was distracted all day. I noticed, but didn't really think much of it. :)



황명록 beno hwang said...

ha ha, what a story! congratulations.

Anonymous said...

I have heard some comments that this has all happened rather quickly. Well first off I have known the Artiste here for about 10 years. Yes I dated one of her friends for far to long of a time. But after me and that friend broke up somehow I ended up keeping Jeanna in the split. Why, I don't know it worked out that way. Part of it was probably because while my relationship was going south with her friend, Jeanna was my best friend and I would go and talk to her about it quite often. Also at this point Jeanna was living at her Chino house and complaining that her friend and myself would never come see her. Well truth be told I was telling my Ex that we should hand out with Jeanna more. And my Ex refused quoting the line that was given to me often when I complained about the state of the relationship "I can't I'm a busy person." So I started making the trek to Chino, so poor post-graduate Jeanna wouldn't be alone. The point of the story is that as my own relationship was decaying and falling apart with Jeanna's friend, Jeanna's relationship with her high school best friend was doing the same. To the point that just a few years ago (The last time this friend has spoken on the phone with my Ex to my knowledge) Jeanna recieved a call from her friend and my Ex and it went something like this. "All my other friends are busy today, so I decided to call you." Nice one, this from a person who was supposidly her best friend in high school, now regarded our fair blogger here as the last ditch effort to drive off boredom. Or how about for two or three years the only reason my Ex would E-mail Jeanna is because I told her to. I guess my point is I got Jeanna after the breakup because I treated her like a real friend, something which my Ex had not been doing for years.

In any event my point is I have known Jeanna for 10 years, and I have been there through some pretty hairy situations in her life. The most noble and heroic time is probably when her manager at Starbucks tried to "manage her out." By basically sitting Jeanna down and asking her to quit, which is illegal. I rallyed my troups, basically a friend of mine who is a manager in retail, and got Jeanna enough information to nip that one in the bud. The way that one was resolved was questionable, but in the end Jeanna no longer was harrased by her boss, and was allowed to transfer to her store in Santa Monica. Horray me, I'm so cool, raaaaaaa the Count!

So when Jeanna and I started to date, it was really weird. Because I know her really really well. That awkward phase in the relationship where you are hiding all your faults from your partner so you don't scare them off. Gone, never happened, when you have been hanging out with someone for years, and know the personal details of what happens when she drinks milk on an empty stomach, and have seen them at pretty bad moments in their lives (Jeanna has some stories about me believe me). Lets just say our relationship progressed to a phase that in my experience takes several months, if not a year or two to achieve, within... well we were never really in that phase. Jeanna hit that, this is the real me deal with it, oh god thats the real you! -thing instantly.

Truth be told sometimes this relationship seems almost to easy. I know Jeanna inside and out, we like almost all the same things (Some of her choices in TV are not my thing, Everwood, etc), and we get along famously. I'm not saying we don't argue, infact after we moved in together the bicker factor has gone way up. However, I pride myself of defusing arguements, and actually talking about the problem. In any event it really is to easy, they say your Wife should be your best friend, and if that is the case I'm lucky, because Jeanna was my best friend way before we started dating.

Also we kept it hidden because both Jeanna and I were of the opinion that her parents, specifically her mother, really didn't like me. Now this is a shock to me, because normally parents love me. However, the language barrier does not let me work my parent charming mojo. I let Jeanna do what she thought was best in this situation, and she choose to keep it hidden. Looking back on it, maybe not such a good idea, but what can you do. So for what it's worth to all of you who didn't know about us for the last year, I'm sorry.

In any event, I know all of this seems sudden. But from my end of life, it doesn't seem sudden at all. For me my best friend in the world is going to become my wife in a few months. You can't fault me for that can you?