Friday, January 13, 2006

So if you want to read the full down-and-dirty of Whateley and my relationship, then read the second comment of the previous post.

No new news except that I'm really lazy. Oh, but I'm fully unpacked now! Now I just have to train Whateley in keeping things neater. Our room is far too small to be leaving things lying about. And I shall probably have to do a closetectomy soon. I have far too many clothes that I do not wear. But they look pretty....

Oh, and in case you haven't guessed, I am back playing WoW and it is so evil. I'm trying really hard not to play all day.

Next step in Whateley-Artiste-Land? Well, besides planning (and paying for!) our wedding, I'm going to slowly introduce seafood into our cooking repertoire. It's a little like those allergy treatments (or developing an immunity to poison). You just gotta do it in ever so small incremental steps.J


Anonymous said...

does either of you not like seafood that much?

Artiste said...

Umm... I LOVE seafood. Whateley hates it. But I shall TURN him!!! Bua haha haha haha haha...

Anonymous said...

interesting.... why does he hate it so?

Artiste said...

The classic -- he was forced to eat some as a kid and developed a mental thing against it. Even now, when I ask him to try something with fish, he makes a face and takes a tiny nibble and immediately hates it before he can even get the full taste in his mouth.

Anonymous said...

FISH IS FREAKING GROSS!!!! And I was NOT forced to eat fish much, I just don't like that horrid fish taste. It's so... fishy. And just looking at fish is just gross, they are all slimy and such... bahhh... ewww. And don't get me started on Lobster and Crab, AKA the Cockroaches of the Deep!

SuperLefty said...

dude. where are you? i don't even have your address!