Monday, February 06, 2006

Dang, nothing like a serious post to stop the comments dead on their tracks. Thanks to my sis, since she seems to be on the only one brave enough to comment!

Okay, on to the rest of my life. I totally became a stressball last night, and after much consoling by the very-tired Whateley, he decided to take over wedding prep, since right now, I'm too stressed out about getting a job. I don't know how long that will last, since as much as I hate organizing something, I'm still a girl and Whateley is still a guy, and I have to make sure we don't end up saying our vows on the bridge of the starship Enterprise. (I've already vetoed that idea, though I did say that if we can afford it (cuz it's still expensive for a cheesy wedding there) we'll do it for our anniversary. I say the 10th, he's thinking 1st. Oh bother.)

Wow, all those parenthesis. What a nice segue for what I've been doing the past few days! Well, currently I'm trying to get a job at a major VFX studio (I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to say, but I don't want this blog somehow getting be fired before I'm even hired), and it's not the tracking job I originally tried for... well, it's a long story, but basically, they didn't have openings in that area, but they did have openings for a render watcher. Anyway, it's a techie job that involves scripting, so over the weekend, I read two books on Perl, and I just spent today and last night (with a good chunk of time inbetween to read Waiter Rant) writing the scripts and hoping against hope that they work when the lady runs them on their machine. The problem? They're using Linux. Do I have Linux? No. And when you Google "free linux shell accounts" you get a thousand links, of which 99% are either not free, doesn't exist, not offering any more accounts, require a "donation", or else you have to send them a loving e-mail kissing their butt about why they should give you an account. So after hours of searching, I gave up and just tried the stuff out on my computer. It wouldn't be a problem if all I was doing was manipulating text files. But no, it involves manipulating directories and files, and basically, there's a fundamental difference in the way DOS handles files as opposed to Linux. Sigh. Well, it's over, I e-mailed my answers, and well... I'll keep y'all posted.

Man, I need a job so bad. I've sent in my reel to another studio, and if this job deal falls through, then I'm going to have to make another trek out to LA to drop off more reels. If any of you have an inkling of belief, please pray for me. Meanwhile, I don't have any insurance and my money's tight, so if I want to see a doctor, I'm going to have to go to a free clinic and wait all day. Yeah, I'll be doing that tomorrow, probably. Long story, but let's just say that I'm not feeling too great.

Where did the day go....


황명록 beno hwang said...

i haven't commented on ur journal/blog much lately just cos i haven't been online as much. i do read tho'; i.e. i've read what both u n' whateley've been writing. i'm glad u guys r writing, so don't stop writing just cos we're not commenting. we're all still here n' reading. if it weren't 4 ur blog/journal, i wouldn't know nething 'bout whatchu'r up to these days. plz lemme know when u've got ur date picked cos i have a request 4 a dj gig on 06.18 up here in the bay area. (also, we already have some wedding in napa on uh... 05.13. it's not like we wouldn't ditch that wedding 4 urs if we had to; but u know... it'd be nicer not to hafta, rt?) thanks.

what kind'f unix does my ocf acct run? *shrug* i 4get. however, i used to use linux in mechanical engring lab @ berkeley.

Anonymous said...

I'm still a big fan of the Vegas wedding because besides the reception the whole thing is done for you. Now the reception is a big deal, but you just call up the people at the fantabulous Luxor and they do all the work for you. The big question now is if we are going to have the reception at a later date out here, or if we are going to have it in Vegas. The big determining factor in that is how many people decide to show up in Vegas. The sad part about this whole wedding thing is how much like "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" it's going to be. Because I think I can only think of about 22 people I'm going to invite... well people I will invite that have a good chance of coming. And that is if we have the Wedding here or in Vegas, 22 people. The Artiste can easily rattle off 50 people before she has to start streeching, and thats just the people she thinks will make it to Vegas. Her estimate if we have it here is up in the 80's I believe. Basically I'm going to be outnumbered at a minimum of 2 to 1, and possibly 5 to 1 or more! It's going to be sad I think, standing room only on the Artistes side, and the first 3 rows comfortably open on mine... I'm thinking about just putting a standing invitation out at my work for whoever wants an excuse to go to Vegas.... if you see a 6 foot tall girl with a purple mohawk and rinestones in her hair, that is what I did. (I'm serious, here is a picture of her at Blizz-con as a night elf,/images/screenshots/,166,317, )

There are people very opposed to the Vegas wedding, my Step-Grandmother for example. Hell she wants to plan one for us! Here is the problem we aren't getting any help from my side of the family. Why? Did I ever tell you that story about why I couldn't go to a Cal State school until I was 24 because I couldn't afford it on my own, I have this huge fear about getting into debt, and my father (who is a Lawyer and fairly well off) refused to help me in any way save to let me live "rent free" at his house... the reason we aren't getting help with our wedding is kinda like that story. Also I would feel pretty bad if the artistes parents managed to help us out (which even though they hate me that have still said they want to do, that is a family bond right there) and my parents deside to keep doing the aloof white parent thing. Anyhoo Weddings are freaking expensive! Now the artiste wants something nice, but god bless her Dwarven heart (it's a nerdy WoW/Tolkeen reference, Dwarves... much like Goldmember, love gold and love money) she also wants something that won't break the bank. And I agree, we would rather toss more of our hard earned money in the bank so we could buy a condo/townhouse/house someday, rather than have a nice party and nice photo's.

I'm kinda rambling here because the phone woke me up and I can't get back to sleep... BTW apparently the guy who had our phone line before us was in massive debt because all these creditors keep calling us, and they don't believe that Richard doesn't live here anymore. The hidden cost of phones my friend. Anyhoo I guess my point was this Wedding thing is still up in the air a bit. But Artiste and I want it soon for various reasons of our own sanity, and the Vegas wedding seems the route to go for speed. Also I will throw this out there for the peanut gallery, if the Artiste gets much more stressed about this Wedding, she may crack and we could run away and get eloped. I brought it up once about four months ago, and she, and she looked at me as if I told her I have uncontrollable cravings for warm kitten flesh in the middle of the night. The other day there was no look, there was a pause and then a "I couldn't do that to my family." Quite a jump people, so be nice to the Artiste she is having a rough time right now. She is stressed about a job, her parents hate me a lot (I'm a nice guy I swear!), her old roommate doesn't talk to her anymore (the Santa Monica one, not you lefty), Superlefty and I are butting heads a bit for no reason (BTW lefty, I want peace between us for the artiste's sake), the Wedding is getting to her, etc. I'm here to give encouranging thoughts and backrubs, but I'm only one man!

Anonymous said...

FYI we are now gunning for a late June/early July wedding, likely on the weekend of June 30th (friday) through July 2 (Monday).

kaela said...

keep the wedding small if cost is a big burden. believe me... cutting out one person @ our wedding meant we saved about $75 on that person's food. actually it's more like $100 since we had to rent all those linens. vegas should be easier since you just tell them how many ppl, which room, colors, food, 'n flowers. but the vegas wedding should have a reception rt after the wedding... or guests will feel like they just got ripped after they spent hundreds on their plane ticket 'n room. i remember this one wedding forum where a bride was complaining that her friend made her fly to vegas for her wedding 'n made the guests pay for their food. she remarked how tacky that was 'n everyone @ the forum agreed that it was inappropriate. i did a lot of research for our wedding.... so i know a thing or two.

i think i know who superlefty is. we lived on the same floor in the dorm, rt?

SuperLefty said...

hi, kaela! yup, it's me, and you were my dutiful health worker at old hc!

and, i haven't been reading blogs all week, actually. so i didn't see this post and all the comments until now.

whateley, you better be okay with this now after all my reiterations to artiste about stuff. i am not at war with you. and, artiste is pretty sturdy with a good head on her shoulders, and she knows that we're all here to help her with the wedding if she wants us to. i don't hate you, and artiste knows that. i'm not going to say it again, so you better believe it by now. else, too bad.