Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It's hard being a Gnome!

World of Warcraft is a very interesting game, especially when you play on an RP server. Because it is very obvious after you play for awhile, that certain personality types are drawn to certain races. I don't know much about the Horde races, beyond that we out number them about 4 to 1 from what I hear, and that they are proud of being ugly. However I do know about the Alliance Races. Dwarves tend to be very quiet, a lot of them enjoy role playing the whole "Scottish" accent thing that dwarves have going on. Human's are a mixed lot, because a lot of people simply gravitate towards something they know. Night Elves on the other hand almost all completely suck! I know my lovely bride to be is a Night Elf, and enjoys being a tall beautiful Night Elf, but most people think Elf = snooty and arrogant, which is annoying. Gnome players on the other hand are all completely insane. On our realm we have a Gnome Rogue who picks locks advertising himself as "the naked Gnome," I routinely run around screaming "Gnome Power" etc. Basically as a race we don't take ourselves all that seriously, however we get really upset that people don't take us all that seriously. Most other players consider Gnomes to be a joke, and thus treat us as such. I have had people sit on me, I get picked on in Stormwind (the human city) because to use the Bank I have to climb up on the counter just to see the man, I get to listen to people over general chat say things like "Gnome sandwiches are tasty." It doesn't help much that as part of our lore we irradiated our city to try and kill of the Trogg's that were invading... and thus almost completely destroyed it. But it completely sucks. Plus the horde really hate us, because as part of being insane Gnome players are normally very very smart... I guess it's an insane genus sort of thing. We tend to play our characters very well, and since we are so short it is very easy to miss exactly what we are up to, and it is very hard to target us. On the battlegrounds we are very dangerous, over half of the really good battleground players are Gnomes.

Anyway be nice to the Gnomes, we are people to.

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