Monday, October 23, 2006

What's the talk about? Life is a series of ups and downs, but essentially, every day is the same. This past week was my first week of training at my new job. So far so good, though there were parts when I thought I am going to be stuck in that temp status forever. I mean, Whateley made permanent in just 4 months, they say the average is about 6 months, but meanwhile, I'm technically not an employee of theirs, I'm an employee of the staffing agency, so if I want to move betwen departments and whatnot, I think I'm at the mercy of the staffing company. Sigh. Anyway, maybe it's just the trainer talking since he doesn't want to make any empty promises, but it is discouraging to hear that we have to work extra hard and achieve the same goals as the highest achieving permanent-employee to even get permanent status. Maybe he's just trying to encourage us to set high goals and the-reach-for-the-stars-crap, but I feel like I'm not in control of my life (yeah, right, like who doesn't?) and it doesn't help when I know what I want but I can't find the path to get there, and what's worse, I can see a faint path, but I ain't no friggin' Aragorn, so I might just end up getting lost instead.

So... there ya go, my whine of the week.

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