Saturday, June 23, 2007

We had an interesting talk with the Chase Bank representative today regarding mortgages. Apparently, first time home-buyers that are planning on buying a home to live in have pretty good opportunities available to them. Mainly, we don't need the 20% down payment that Homebuying for Dummies says we need. Yay. So there's a good chance that at the end of our 6-month lease here, we'll actually move in to a house instead of extending our lease. Yay! :)

On a different note, I finally got a library card so I can happily borrow all those books that I want to read but not buy. Though, sad to say, I think the state of Austin's libraries are sorely lacking compared to the vigorous bookstore industry here. What does that mean?

Oh, and I'm suppose to say something nice about Whateley here since he keeps pouting that I say mean stuff. Anyway, Whateley has been very sweet to me lately, and he's been telling me that I'm byoo-tee-ful every chance he gets, which just makes me go all jelly-like. He's such a sweetie-pie. :)

Alright, that's enough of that.

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