Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hello from sunny (in theory, at least) Southern California! So far we're enjoying our holiday vacation here. We miss our bed (it has a memory foam mattress topper) but it's been fun catching up with our friends and Christmas Eve/Day is coming, so there will be craziness from that. It's weird, like the past 8 months has been just a dream. It's like we never left... except that new stores have popped up and the last time we saw everyone, the weather wasn't as cold. It seems like all we're doing is eating out since we're catching up with everyone and they all want to take us out to dinner. But hey, no complaints here. We just want to make sure we hit up In-N-Out and Del Taco before we go.

But I've got something to complain about here. Why do people automatically assume that if you wake up after noon or eat past 10 pm, that you are lazy and gluttonous? I mean, we get 8 hours of sleep every day (sometimes less) yet just because our sleeping hours are not traditional, we're lazy? People automatically assume that sleeping past a certain time denotes laziness. Geez, our shift doesn't even end until 3 am. What are we to do? Sleep for only 2 hours each night just to fulfill some stupid, uninformed notion of non-laziness? And so what if we end up eating late at night? That's dinnertime for us! Are we suppose to not eat the last 8 hours of the day and starve just because it's gluttonous to eat past 10 pm? It's like asking a normal person to stop eating past lunch. There are medical conditions for people who do that on purpose, and we're not going to make ourselves anorexic because stupid people don't get it!

Maybe it's just an Asian thing. I don't know if anyone else gets this kind of crap.

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