Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wow, it's been awhile since I've updated. That's what moving will do to ya!

Last week we bribed our friends with pizza and beer to help us move our furniture to our house. Funny, the week before it was cold, the week after there's a cold front so it was cold, but on our moving day weekend, it had to be swelteringly hot with tons of humidity.... I felt really bad for the guys doing the heavy lifting. The promise of beer was helping to motivate!

Well, today, Whateley and I grabbed the last of the stuff from the apartment, cleaned the best we could, and turned in all our keys. Well, actually, since it was late, we put them in an envelope and dropped them in the night slot. I hope that'll be okay enough for them.

Anyway, with that, that is the last remnant of our apartment life, and we are fully moved in to our beautiful house. There soooo much work ahead of us, though. We've been unpacking slowly, getting things organized. It's weird having an entire house to fill with our stuff. Before our last apartment (when I had two rooms, the bedroom and living room), I've only had one room for all my crap. But now... storage galore!!! And yes, there will be pictures coming, I swear!

Our #1 concern finally got settled today. We hooked up the TiVO and updated it with the new cable company info, and it's all settled and happily recording away. Last night we took care of the #2 concern, and got the cable modem all set up. We can play WoW at home now!

It's been exhausting the past few weeks, and after we're all settled, we need a vacation. And as we head in to the wettest month of the year for Texas, it's approaching our one-year-anniversary of our move to Austin. Amazing, innit?

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