Friday, May 02, 2008

We're just unpacking... slowly.

While I do have to say it's a thousand times better to live in a house rather than an apartment, there are still drawbacks. For one thing, an apartment is small, so when Whateley gets thirsty, he can go to the kitchen himself to get a drink. But in our house, since our computers and our room is upstairs and the kitchen is downstairs, when Whateley gets thirsty, he has to resort to complaining about his knee and/or making puppy dog faces, or just general trickery, to get me to get him a drink since it does require going up and down a flight of stairs as well as across several rooms.

We're also unpacking our books... and well, let's just say we've got a lot of books. Most of it's Whateley's actually. I wasn't much of a book buyer before. I was more into libraries. Them being free and all. Anyway, we've got two bookcases full of gaming books in our awesome gaming loft, and we put two bookcases in the guest bedroom, and they've already been filled. We have a fifth bookcase which we put in the spare room (it'll be a kid's room as soon as we squirt one out). So now we gotta decide whether or not to leave that spare room as storage/mostly empty so that once a kid arrives it won't take much work to turn it into a nursery, or to use it as a study or something until a kid arrives and then re-arrange everything.

But we've got a lot of books.

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