Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I realized that the first anniversary of our move to Austin came and went and I didn't blog about it. It was 4 days ago, on May 3, 2007, that we crossed into Austin and drove up to our new apartment and signed the lease. That trip was difficult but exciting, and I still remember most of it. And thinking back, it was the craziest thing we could do, but sitting at Whateley's desk in our new house... it was worth it!

I mean, there are still parts of me that wonder if we made the right decision, to uproot from all that we've known and away from all our family and move three states away to a city where we didn't know anyone other than the co-workers that moved here too. Since then, we've made some friends, moved up in the company, and we got our first house. And life is good. But there is a part of me that's scared that in the end, it is just me and Whateley, and all we've got is each other. I mean, our friends will help out if need be, but when it comes to family matters, we're it. What can I say, the paranoid part in me is fearful that Whateley will die or fall into a coma or get kidnapped and be a missing person forever.

If we can have it our way, we'll get Whateley's parents to retire over here. They're already looking at various out-of-state retirement options. I know I can entice Whateley's step-mom once we squirt out a kid, but that won't be for at least another year. What can I say, it'd be nice to have the option of dropping the kids off at the grandparents when we need a break.

Anyway, life in Austin is pretty damn good, and I'll go more into it at a later post. Right now, I'm just really tired and wanna go to bed.

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