Tuesday, May 06, 2008

We took another step into adulthood today... we got one of those box-o-wine.

I know!!!

The box-o-wine is one of those things you joke about cheap people pretending to be classy things, though it does make sense to keep wine in such a container to keep air from oxidizing the wine after you open it. Besides, you can just keep it in the fridge, and it's really easy to pour.

Whateley and I joke about this cuz his parents have been drinking the box-o-wine for years. He jokes that we're turning into his parents. I say that's not funny, it's scary. Though what would be funny would be if we ended up turning into my parents. I'm not sure if the whole immigrant experience translates across generations. After all, there are so many issues that I just won't have with my kids that my parents had with me. Being able to communicate fluently in the same language, for one. Though, I look at the state of kids' communications skills nowadays, and I fear for our nation's future.

We got a massive amount of groceries today from Costco. We sort of had the excuse while we were moving to eat out more frequently. We didn't want to move a bunch of food, so we were cutting back on groceries a lot before we moved. And then after the move, the house was a mess, nothing was organized, and we were exhausted cleaning and taking care of bills and accounts and whatnot. But now, we're getting settled, and the kitchen, for the most part, is usable, and all the appliances are functioning, except for the dishwasher, which we'll call the home warranty people for soon. So no more excuses, we're going to eat at home more. We're also trying to bring our lunch to work and not buy food from the office catering. There is this Chinese restaurant that they recently got to start coming, and they're actually coming during our shift instead of the earlier ones like many of the others. They're really good, but it's getting rather pricey since it costs $10 for a plate, even though it is a lot of food. I think we're going to limit ourselves to them only once a week. The sandwich girl is much cheaper, though it seems like the sandwiches are getting smaller. The pasta place, everyone agrees, is not worth it, even if they are the cheapest. It's kinda sad cuz the alfredo tastes like water and the marinara is okay but I've tasted better out of a jar. All we can think is, this place is a restaurant? They serve this stuff there?

Wow, this has turned into a really long ramble that says absolutely nothing.

Umm... I'm going to run my first pen-and-paper RPG! It's gonna be Star Trek, and I hope I don't suck!

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