Friday, April 16, 2004

Hey, what's the late penalty for filing taxes? I finally filed my taxes (through free e-file through H&R Block) but it didn't get "officially" filed with the IRS until today. I mean, it's a tiny return. What more can they take out of it?

My visit with the dermatologist went okay. He was a bit condescending and I had to make sure he didn't just see me for five minutes. I mean, I've heard the spiel before. I made sure he understood that I tried a lot of things and he better be damn sure he's diagnosing me and not what statistically I'd be. But I made an appointment to see him again in two weeks, and if I have to pay the deductible again, then that's just gonna suck. I've already spent $50 this week for doctor's visits (PCP and dermatologist), and next week I'm seeing my PCP again for a physical, and the week after that will be the dermatologist again. Sigh. What I liked about Korean doctors was that they would "cook the books" so that we wouldn't have to pay the deductible. I mean, it's dishonest... but if I end up seeing this dermatologist every other week, then I'll be spending $50 a month on office visits alone.

On the job front, the comission is going so-so. I haven't had much time to work on it, but then, right now it's just brainstorming ideas for names. I think he basically wants to see which name can come up with the coolest logo. Well, I can't work on it until after my shift tonight, anyway.

It's weird, I used to look forward to working. In the beginning, at least. Then it got to be so-so, but otherwise okay. Now... well, it's weird, but the hours before I have to work, I just get this deep feeling of dread in my core. Kinda like when I was working for that collectibles company. You know that feeling when you just want to get out and you're just watching the clock going through the motions 'til time's up? Well, I was like that at that company. At my store? It's kinda like that, though we're much too busy to be able to watch the clock. But right when I first get on shift, I just feel this sense of being trapped. I guess being busy helps cuz right when I'm feeling the worst of it, that's when I get my break. I think what makes it less like that other job is that the interaction with the customers makes it so much better. I'm not just in my head the entire time. I don't have time to wallow in my sucky life.

(Okay, I gotta go, but one last thing I want to rant about relating to my doctor visit. He asked me what type of soap I was using. I told him it was this one that I bought from a cosmetics company that's suppose to be hydrating cuz it's made of olive oil and it's okay for sensitive skin. Well, he told me to stop using it. So now I feel like going to that store and slamming that expensive soap on their counter and demanding a refund, albeit a year later. It made me realize that we were duped. I wish I can sue them for false claims. They reassured me that all that stuff we bought was okay for sensitive skin. Stupid Koreans. Stupid sales people. That's why I never pressure anyone to buy more than they initially ask for at the store.)

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