Sunday, July 10, 2005

Hey Beno (et al) --

This is the second time I heard about "ask your barista for a free sample" and while it's true that you can ask your barista for a free sample, it don't mean you'll get one. Cuz for one thing, you can't make a 4 oz frappuccino. The smallest you can make is 12 oz (which is a tall), and besides, there's no way that we have the time to make a tiny frappuccino like that.

What is true, however, is that when there's time, we will make samples (about ten of them), put them on a tray, and go around the store giving it to people.

So, your best bet for a free sample? Go to your neighborhood Starbucks, go up to your favorite barista (when they're not busy) and ask if they will be sampling the Green Tea Frapp any time soon. If they're like me, then I would most likely say, "Well, since it's not busy, sure, I'll sample some out in a few minutes." And then it's first come first serve.

But DO NOT BUG US WHEN IT'S BUSY. For me, my response will be, "We might later, but not right now." And then I'll think in my head, " go away, you annoying bastard."


Anonymous said...

i got to taste a sample of the green tea frapp with whipped cream at the lotus festival this past weekend! good stuff. i'd get it, if i were willing in the first place to pay for a sugary drink from starbucks. ") it was cool. there was a long line, but those baristas were putting out the samples lickety-split from their stand by the starbucks truck. lucky me!

황명록 beno hwang said...

ah, i c. well, shoot, if i only it were 3 yrs 'go, n' i was a full.time student n' had time to hang out @ cafes 4 long periods @ a time on a somewhat regular basis, then i s'ppose i'd have the time to wait 'round 4 free samples to come out, rt? oh well... neway, i'm very happy that starbucks is gonna start selling the green tea frapp in amerika. kaela n' i already had it in korea back in 2003, n' it was awesome!