Thursday, July 07, 2005

iTunes now supports podcasting, and boy, every podcast now mentions that their subscribership has exploded. I've got issues with it still (it won't automatically download them to my Shuffle), but I'm glad that podcasting is getting the support that it deserves.

Speaking of which, my church is podcasting its sermons.

For those of you unsure of what to do, just copy the link and use a subscribing software (like iPodder or iTunes, even) to download the episodes. Or just do a search for "Pillar Bible Church" on iTunes. I thought we were being all high-tech and all, but then I did a search on iTunes music store for Religion&Spirituality->Christianity, and boy, there are tons of podcast sermons!

Anyway, as much as I am having issues with my church and my faith, there's one thing I do not doubt, and that is the strength of my pastor's sermons. Yes, sometimes he is too conservative, and perhaps even inflexible, but he studies the Bible very strictly, and his sermons reflect that. So while I may not agree with all he says, I do have to say, he makes a damn good argument.

Alright, homework awaits.

Oh, and no, you do not need an iPod to listen to podcasts. They're just mp3s... you can listen to them on any mp3 player (like winamp).


Anonymous said...

Speaking of iPods, I don't know if it'll work with a shuffle, but these might help. FM transmitters.


황명록 beno hwang said...

jeanna!!! i just read sumpthin' on the forums, n' u've gotta confirm this... is it true that: 1) starbucks is now selling green tea frappuccinos in amerikkka???? 2) r u really giving out free samples???


"Date Posted: Jul/07/2005 10:53 PM

From an e-mail I received from Starbucks?today -

"For those willing to take a break from their favorite flavor, allow me to recommend a new beverage, our Green Tea Frappuccino?blended cr?e. Imagine the smooth, indulgent taste of green tea blended in a cool and indulgent cr?e. It's almost like enjoying green tea ice cream through a straw!

And here's an inside tip, just for you: If you come in the store before July 13th and ask your barista (clerk), we'll be glad to give you a free sample of the Green Tea Frappuccino?blended cr?e before anyone else. Be the first to try what's bound to become the coolest drink of the summer."

I haven't tried it yet, but more than likely it would be a small cup about 4oz., like when they gave out their ice cream.

But hey, free is free, and free is for me.

Message edited by: homelesslunatic on 2005-07-07 23:04:41 "