Thursday, March 16, 2006

I just used Photoshop to create the gif below. Just look for the animation menu. It was a bit complicated, actually, cuz I was trying to make it easier on myself, and I basically did some importing a folder as an animation and then rearranging and deleting layers, and then turned the layers into frames. And then I had to figure out where I can upload an animated gif and link to it cuz Blogger won't let you upload animated gifs. It took awhile, but worked wonders!

Anyway, on the news front. Good new all around!

1. I am "this close" to getting a job at Borders, which will help pay the bills for the time being.

2. I got an internship at that visual effects company! I start next week, and I'll go more into details as soon as I can. I'm pretty sure I can talk about it now, but I don't want to jinx it, so I will wait until I've at least been there one day. It's unpaid, hence the job above, but if I play my cards right, this internship can turn into a real job afterwards. Yay!

3. Whateley got a new (and better) job!

4. Wedding plans are good! Things are progressing at a good rate!

Regarding #4, yeah, we were definitely procrastinating. We should've done all this months ago, but we finally buckled down and took a scouting trip to Vegas these past three days. Here's what we found out: chapels in Vegas are cheesy. And many are scuzzy. And they are in crappy neighborhoods. And they are small.

After looking at a couple of old Strip hotel chapels, we decided to check out the Luxor for the heck of it. Well... the chapel there is bee-yoo-tee-ful! Not a hint of cheese anywhere! And it's encased in really thick walls that keep out the casino sounds, so you forget that it's in a casino! And the color schemes are gorgeous. So... even though it'll make our budget a little higher than we want (we were hoping to go as cheap as possible without getting cheesy because we want to save up for a house for the long term and TiVO for the short term and Whateley will need a new car in the medium term) but... well, if you compare the Luxor to the independent chapels (or even the old Vegas hotel chapels) they just blew them out of the water! In short, the others blew! You can't help but see how cheesy and scuzzy they were!

Anyway, so we got a game plan, we got a date (which I will not reveal at the moment because I want to make sure we can book the chapel at that date), and it's just matter of calling and setting things up. So, wish us luck!

1 comment:

SuperLefty said...

hooray, i can breathe a sigh of relief now, yes?