Friday, March 03, 2006

I'm MIA for a week and no one care? Dang. No love. (I'm just kidding!)

This week has been hectic, for once. Well, comparably hectic. I was helping Whateley out with his resume, updated mine, and then went to a "schmooze-session" at a studio in Culver City on Tuesday. I had no shame, I basically went around begging for an internship. Well, I schmoozed so it didn't look like I was begging, but I did. And I think it's working, though no definite news 'til next week.

Thursday, of course, was spent beating traffic, then homework, then class, where the teacher liked my animation, so I think I might actually have a bit of talent in this area.

I heard back from another studio I applied to, and since I'm not all joyous, you can guess I didn't get a job. I panicked and e-mailed my teacher to see if there were hidden meanings to the e-mail, and he just said it's standard. It seems his studio won't be hiring trackers 'til the summer, though this one might have openings next month if or when they fire all the people who's contracts are up. All I can say is, one guy got hired after two hours of experience with Maya Live. Two frickin' hours, while I took a 16-week class. But then, I found out, it's all because he had contacts.

So back to the schmooze-fest. I really don't like networking (though the food was good!) because it makes me nervous, I don't know what to do (although, I didn't seem to have much trouble on Tuesday, which might mean I'm better at it than I think, or else it's not as hard as you think). But the industry I so desperately want to get in to requires networking... a lot. A whole lot. I'm looking at job listings on the internet, and they all want 2-5 years of production experience, and I'm thinking, they're not going to find a lot of people that way! Well, they'll find a lot of people, but not ones with the qualifications they want. Cuz that's one thing about the industry, if you have 2-5 years experience, then you're not going to look online for a job, you're going to use your contacts. Anyway, maybe that's what I gotta do, apply to those online postings and imply, hey, you ain't gonna get much better, so maybe you oughtta give me a chance.

Okay, I'm gonna be late for Superlefty's birthday day, so... sorry Lefty!

1 comment:

SuperLefty said...

s'okay! i appreciate your coming! ")