Thursday, July 27, 2006

Crossing my fingers... why won't they call??? And yet, while they don't call, there's still hope....

From what I gather, the #1 reason people quit WoW is because it ends up taking over their lives. I'm trying really hard not to let it, but it's hard when the gnome attains level 60 last night and you feel left behind and you wanna catch up but you don't want to just grind your way to 60....

List of things to do is too great to fathom, but at the moment WoW shouldn't be on that list... except that I really want to sell those swords cuz we have 4 levels to earn 500 more gold so I can buy an epic mount, and the other things on that to-do list are boring or overwhelming, and WoW is so easy to wrap your head around.

Meanwhile, it seems the only artistic things I can do at my internship is light Photoshop work. Sigh....

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