Friday, July 07, 2006

The Day's almost here!

So the gnome and I won't be available for the next few days while we take care of our nuptuals and whatnot. I doubt we'll have internet, so if you absolutely need to contact us, call us. But don't call us... if you know what I mean. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, hubba hubba, a-oooooooooh, *pant *pant)

Meanwhile, if you'd like to leave a comment wishing us luck and all that, please do so!

1 comment:

황명록 beno hwang said...

congratulations, it's ur wedding day. we've been enjoying ourselves in vegas, i guess. what?! no posts 4 the next few days?! heck, in this day n' age, i thought ppl had webcams on their wedding nites! ha ha ha, just kidding! neway, congratulations!