Friday, September 29, 2006


Yes, I'm beginning my entry with yet another "sigh."

I actually worked out our budget and figured out that Whateley and I are living paycheck-to-paycheck... on mostly Whateley's paycheck. That sucks. We're living pretty meagerly to begin with, but if we want to buy a place of our own (and raise a family one day) then I'm going to have to earn more money. Sigh.

I don't have much options. I could:

1) ask for more hours at the bookstore -- which I loathe to do since I hate retail and the thought of doing 20 more hours of it just sucks
2) get a full-time office job through a temp agency -- which I really don't want to do for many reasons, one being that I've had a job like that and it's a soul-sucking experience that leaves no time and energy for art, and two being that then my hours would completely not mesh with Whateley's and we would not ever see each other
3) get a full-time job as an animator/ tracker/ 3d-generalist/ some-entry-level-schmo-in-an-effects-or-game-studio -- which would be ideal... but I don't know when that will happen and I can't shake my stupid unmotivation and I can't seem to get my act together


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