Sunday, January 26, 2003

Kinda peckish, though I need to go to bed soon. I like that Pillar Bible Church is early in the morning. I mean, it sucks cuz it's so tough to wake-up in the morning (and out the door by 8:50 at the latest!) but it's also great cuz it gives me the whole day afterwards to do whatever it is I need to do. Usually I drop by OfficeMax to see if there's anything free after rebate. Then I spend read through the Sunday LA Times.

Worked some more on Dad's presentation. It's now mostly adding a lot more pictures, though he wants to add a lot of corny animations and transitions. As my video professor said, any transition other than cross-dissolve is pretty corny and outdated. But then, that's video. It's kinda funny that since George Lucas put those wipes and whatnots in the original Star Wars Trilogy, he now has to put them in the prequels.

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