Monday, December 13, 2004

Take a look inside the mind of a highly functional geek!

Well, my friend finally got a blog. Or more like, he's had one (with one crappy entry which he has deleted) for years and he's reactivated it. So yay, more ways for me to procrastinate in class. :)

I had a really short shift today, and I'm tired and want to take a nap, but the call of the Tivo was too strong. It is evil, EEEEEEVIL! Just watching those old "Deep Space Nine" episodes, though. Brings back memories.

My dad was in the hospital again, and as usual, they can't find anything wrong with him, other than he has diabetes, high cholesterol, and a slightly high blood pressure. He's playing with fire, I think, not taking his health more seriously. I know, he's busy, but he's going to work himself to death if he doesn't take it easier and force himself to eat right and exercise productively. It's frustrating because it's a dilemma that many people face. I may be an adult in the eyes of the law, but to him, I'm still his kid and therefore he still knows better. And he's from a generation, at least in Korea, where going to the doctor was expensive, people routinely died soon after 60, and people just kept going trying their best to survive without thought to the future. I think the mentality was, you just had to live long enough to raise your kids to adulthood, and living long enough to see your grandkids grow up was just pudding. I know my parents are going to die sometime, but I would prefer it be later than sooner and it would be nice to have them see me achieve some sort of success. And at my current rate, it's going to be awhile until they do. (*sigh)

Time for a nap.

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