Wednesday, December 01, 2004

New quasi-celebrity serving: yesterday, it was Mark Valley again (I think he's getting more notice cuz he's on Boston Legal or something), and then today it was Rachel Blanchard. The girl from the Clueless TV show (based on the movie but not starring Alicia Silverstone), and more recently on Seventh Heaven (the writing gone way downhill on that show, from what I hear). I gotta say, I almost didn't recognize her because she looked much thinner that on TV. Either she's lost weight (after all, I haven't seen Seventh Heaven in over two years) or else the camera does add ten pounds.

I've been sleeping oddly. I got plenty of sleep on Sunday night cuz I had Monday off, and then in the middle of the day, I started working on my animation homework and promptly fell asleep (I think I have some sort of mental block against it), so I was wide awake come nightfall. So I only slept 2.5 hours before my opening shift, but I felt fine. But afterwards, I decided to take a nap so I can be awake for the rest of the day. Well, I hit the pillow around 10:45 am, and then woke up at 4:45 pm. Yeah, I was late to class and completely disoriented. So, to avoid a repeat performance, I slept a little earlier last night (but not that much earlier) and I'm all hopped up on caffeine to avoid taking a nap at all today (or else I'll take a short one later, with my alarm on!). So... to summarize, my sleep rhythm is off. Erg.

Homework calls. Maybe this time I'll listen.

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