Saturday, January 29, 2005

Today was an interesting day. After staying up half the night throwing up everything in my guts (and squirting out the rest), I woke up feeling fine enough to go on the tour of Rhythm & Hues, a huge digital effects company in Los Angeles. More on that, but first let me rant a little regarding why I was up half the night barfing (and squirting). I had lunch with my dad at Burger King right before I went to class at 2 pm, and shortly before 5:30, my stomach started feeling gurgly and let's just say that I let out some noxious... gases. Well, it wasn't just a simple case of indigestion. From my symptoms, it seems more in line with food poisoning. I think it was the onion ring sauce.

Anyway, it's absolutely no fun barfing up stuff you don't even want to turn the lights on to look cuz even in the dark it looks disgusting. And my first bout was so fierce that I coulda sworn it would've come out of my nose if it could've. And it was during my third bout that nothing came out except some stomach acid that my body finally decided to give me a break and stopped the nausea.

I've had nothing but soup today, though I haven't been following the exact guidelines of WebMD. I think I'm okay now, though. It's a mild enough case, though I did skip out of work. Somehow, I don't think people want their drinks made from a person with a leaking... well, y'know.

Anyway, on to less disgusting thoughts. The tour at R&H was great, though I guess it's the standard tour they give everyone. When they showed the reel, we had to share the theater with a gaggle of 3rd-graders, and let me say, it was fun and a little freaky. They could care less about the quality of the story/graphics/technology, they only care that they were showing clips of some of their favorite movies. The laughed through Garfield, Cat in the Hat, Cats & Dogs, and even when the bomb went off in The Sum of All Fears. It just made me realize that kids' movies are a big business, and unfortunately, at that age, it's all about bright colors, funny-looking animals, and lots of physical gags, with little thought to the art of it all. Sigh.

I saw The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe being made, and oh boy, that looks like it's going to be a fantastic-looking movie. I think a lot of the Christian allegory will be downplayed, though, which is a bit sad. I mean, they are great books, but C.S. Lewis wrote them for a purpose other than to make good movies.

The most exciting part of the tour was the end recruitment spiel. Basically, they not only have internships, but they also have apprenticeship programs which show a lot of promise. There's always the question of how you can break into the biz, and they've actually answered some questions.

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