Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Thank you for the suggestions and offers, but alas, I cannot use a tape deck adapter. Why? Cuz my car doesn't have a tape deck. I suppose I coulda gotten one when I bought it, but I think it might've cost extra, and would've required time to install it, so no, it just has a radio and CD player. It might be possible to take it apart and put a connection cable in the back or something, but it seems a little too complex at the moment.

Now, if there's a CD adapter, then we're talking. But I don't think that's possible....


On to my rant for the day:

I'm sure you all were raised by decent mothers that taught you not to litter. Or at least not to leave trash lying around the house. Now, I wonder, what is wrong with people that think that it's wrong to leave trash lying around your house, but it's perfectly fine to leave it around a store? I mean, it's a pseudo-restaurant, but I'm sure people realize that we don't have bus-boys, waitresses, or hostesses. We have trash cans all over, why is it so hard to bus your own table?


That's not even my main rant. I mean, okay, being a psuedo-restaurant setting, I can understand being confused about whether or not to bus your own table. But at the Frappuccino counter, after you take your straw out of the wrapper, I'm sure there's no confusion as to, if you drop that wrapper on the floor, you are littering. Period. No ifs ands or buts about it. There's no messed-up logic that says that just because there's no trashcan within two-inches of the straw container (but usually within five feet of one), that you can just leave the wrapper on the counter, like it's a flat, open trash can. Not even, hey, can you guys throw this away for me, but just plain leaving it there, like, once it stops suiting your purpose, it's no longer your concern.

And tossing it on the floor? Hello? What store out there wants you to do that? Where is there a store that says, "Please throw your trash away anywhere, we'll eventually get to it"? I don't even leave empty soda and popcorn containers at movie theaters because I know that it would only create more work for the poor theater slaves, and it would take me very little effort to hold on to it and toss it in the trash cans on my way out!

I mean, we were busy today, what with the ice cream social and all, but I finally got a chance to sweep at 3:30 in the afternoon, and there were a dozen straw wrappers on the floor in front of the Frappuccino counter. Now, one or two, I can understand... you accidentally dropped it, you missed the trash can, you forgot as you were dealing with screaming kids, etc... but a dozen!!! At what point did they think, oh, I don't know what to do with this wrapper, well looks like there are some on the floor, I guess that's where I gotta put them. It irks me to no end, when all they have to do is turn around and there's a trash can right there, or even one just a few steps away. It's trash. Trash goes in trash cans. How hard can that be?!? *sigh. Sooooo annoying!


Anonymous said...

i understand your frustration with that. it annoys me to see people leave their trash in theaters too. i mean, the trash cans are on the way out of the theater too, but few people seem to understand that they should be responsible for the junk that they bring into the theater. i thought that few people littered anymore too, but working in LA and driving to work here, i still see people chucking things out their windows on the freeways, the streets, and when they're walking. stupid. ---bleusky

Anonymous said...

That's just part of LA, tragically. Or any place filled with self-righteous people.

Anonymous said...

Steal my setup with the I-Pod, use it in the shower!

황명록 beno hwang said...

u can buy an fm transmitter 4 ur ipod n' listen to it thru ur car stereo. be careful when u 4hop 4 1 tho' cos there r many cheap 1s that really suck!

@ pet fud express, the werker there sez he gets annoyed that ppl let their dogs poop in the store n' then run out w/o cleaning it up. yah, i was shocked to hear that n' replied, "wow, why would u do that? u don't even do that outside! if ur dog poops on the sidewalk, u pick it up in a bag n' throw it away. u can even walk over to the pooper.scooper aisle n' use 1'f those! it's so easy."

i'm gonna buy a new car stereo soon. it'll have an auxiliary input, so that'd be 1 way to use an ipod in a car.

황명록 beno hwang said...

i really hate littering.