Saturday, November 12, 2005

Drool... I just put in my new 1 Gb RAM chip (bringing the total memory to 1.5 gigs), and I think programs are loading up faster. Any ideas on how I can see just how much faster it is? Should I try to load up a crazy complicated model in Maya? The only other thing I know for sure I can try is to RAM preview something with a bazillion layers in AfterEffects.

Today this lady threw a fit cuz we didn't have organic milk. Well, the entire region is currently organic-milk-less, and she, apparently, felt that it was a conspiracy against her or something. Her words were: "if I let things run out at my restaurant, I'd get fired," "alright, fine, I'll have some gross coffee," and... "don't you wish me a good day cuz I'm not having a good day because you ran out of milk!"

She was dressed in the latest fashions, well-groomed, fancy sunglasses, and I think she had a cell phone she was talking into earlier. All I can think is, how times have changed. A hundred years ago, if a high-class lady threw a fit at a store, she'd be publicly humiliated within her community. Nowadays, it seems like if you've got money, then you become an ass, especially to the people who serve you. Everybody just looked at her like she was nuts.

Let's just say, from my own witness, this society as a whole has lost their politeness. The most polite people, as a whole, are the young prep school kids, under age 12. Then it's Moms (or Dads) especially if they're toting kids around. Then it's most adults. Then... it's a toss up between old people and teenagers. Yep, old people are just as rude as teenagers. I think both groups feel like they own the world or something. And the worst, the least polite, the most rude people? Self-important, rich and/or powerful people who look at you like you're a bug.

And yes, when you keep carrying on your cell phone conversation while you're ordering, it's rude. And it's even worse if you complain that we didn't get your order right because you were so busy talking on the phone, we didn't get a chance to ask you what you wanted. And yes, you should tip. They assume we are earning tips and are taxed on it. Well, the tips we make is usually greater than the tips that are assumed, but that doesn't mean that we don't deserve it. We work too damn hard to make your stupid latte exactly the way you want in a frickin' short time for you to not tip. Complain to the corporate office if you think we should get paid more and not have to rely on tips. But until that changes, we rely on tips. Get over it.

1 comment:

황명록 beno hwang said...

well, now u've encountered the downside'f kapitalism, no?