Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Why, oh why am I so lazy when it comes to making my demo reel?

I'm so anxious to get out of Starbucks, to start a real career, and actually have money, yet... yet, it's so hard for me to get the ball rolling on working on my own stuff. Both my housemates don't work and therefore have more time, and one of them I know has gone through tons of tutorials and other reference stuff. Yet me... I've been using the excuse of "oh I'm so tired from having to be at work at 5 in the morning" to not get my act together and get my stuff done. Why? I know there's some sort of psychological block there. I feel like I'm wasting my potential.

It's easy to say, just do it. Start it one step at a time. Aren't you sick of being lazy? Do you want it bad enough? Are you really serious about this? Just set up a schedule and work on it just an hour a day. It is really easy to say it. But there must be a reason why it's not so easy to do it since if it was easy, then I'd be doing it. Maybe I just need a hypnotist to tell me to cut the crap out, kind of like the guy from Office Space.

Back to 26+ hours per week of work. Sigh. Perhaps I need to take a week's vacation (use up my vacation time) and catch up on sleep and start everything. I lack momentum, I realize. It's so hard to take the first step on that thousand-mile journey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God has a plan for you, it seems. Maybe you're a modern day Job.