Thursday, December 22, 2005

Angela Bassett came into our store today. Where was I? In the back, taking my lunch break. Doh.

Watching too much TV. Must make sure I don't fall into the habit of just vegging in front of the TV whenever I have free time.

I made homemade chili from scratch today. It turned out pretty well. We don't have a food processor, so the "ground chicken" was basically done using a hand cranked chopper doo-hickey which is great for chopping onions. It's a little harder for meat. Anyway, I figured out that chili is one of those dishes that is really easy to make. I just put together ground chicken, minced onions, some garlic, cans of beans (not drained, but then it got a bit too watery so I had to use corn starch to thicken it), and a whole lotta spices, mainly chili powder and paprika. Oh yeah, and some salsa and spagetti sauce since I didn't have any tomatoes or tomato paste. Add a little cheddar at the end, some toasted fajita strips, and you've got yourself a downright tasty meal.

So that ten-pound box of frozen chicken is being put to good use. Already I've used it to make homemade chicken soup and now homemade chili. Add to that Whateley's famous baked chicken and potatoes, and we've got ourselves a chicken household. Hmm... I should experiment with vegetables next. I need to improve my diet. Perhaps a veggie curry?

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