Thursday, December 15, 2005

Okay, a little more elaboration on my last post, but not much since I've got to work on my project.

Anyway, my main problem stems from my miserable Korean language skills. I came to the US when I was six years old, so my Korean pretty much stopped developing beyond that point. I'd even say that it regressed a little due to my vocabulary disappearing. It got a little better after taking three classes in Korean in college, but that mainly helped me with reading and writing, and a bit on the whole formal/informal polite thing as well as a bit of grammar.

Anyway, imagine having a conversation with a six-year-old about their dreams and goals and fears. Yeah, it's one thing to say you want to be a princess when you grow up, and completely another to say that I want to be a 3D animator but my way to enter into the industry is through a more entry-level position which is still difficult, oh and I'm having doubts about whether I will survive this business or if I will become another industry burn-out like so many of my teachers, and I'm also afraid what it will do for my life since the industry is notorious for over-working their artists, and in the end, what I really care about is not just having a career that fulfills me but I also want to have a happy family life and I do want to raise kids that are well-adjusted individuals and I'm not sure if I'm well-adjusted enough to do that.


Anyway, so ever since I started dating Whateley, things got harder but also better, and I've never been happier. But I didn't tell my parents about it because my parents are racist and elitist. It doesn't matter that they grew up poor and my dad's had a failed business and my mom's not a professional. To them, I shouldn't "settle" for someone who doesn't have a fancy degree from a fancy university and a equally fancy high-paying job.

"If you marry for money, you will surely earn it." ~ Ezra Bowen

It doesn't matter to my parents that Whateley has a lot of great qualities, that we get along great, share a lot of interests, we make each other happy, and that he's the only guy I've felt like I can be completely myself with. For one thing, I can't even communicate these facts to them since I don't know how to say 90% it in Korean. Secondly, they could care less since in those qualities, it doesn't include him being rich and Korean.

Anyway, this post has already gone on longer than I planned, but last Saturday evening, the scene began with me telling them that Whateley is my boyfriend and that I will be moving in with him soon, and it ended with my mom repeatedly insulting him with ever insult she can think of (and insulting me in the process) while my dad tried to convince me that I just "hadn't looked around enough." But it's mainly my mom insulting me and twisting every word that came out of my mouth into another insult (even when I wasn't even talking to her), and I just got so angry that I left.

I'm mad at myself, though. My mom's been insulting Whateley for the past few years now, even before we started dating, and I've just been letting her. I used to fight with her about it (how it's really not a nice thing to insult your daughter's friend) but I got so sick of her not listening that I just started letting it go and not listening and letting her go on and on. So it shouldn't have surprised me all she did was just ramp it up. And she just doesn't get it, that she hurt me with all her words, and there's a reason why I ended up storming out of the house crying.

Anyway, that's the short story. I can't really say any more due to privacy issues and all, but suffice it to say, I'm not speaking to my parents now. We'll have to see how the holidays will play out.

Drama out.


Anonymous said...

For my part I'm just being supportive, and have invited the Artiste to my family's Holiday thing. We are having Turducken! If you don't know what that is Imagine this. First start with a Turkey, a plucked ready to go in the oven turkey. Then de-bone this turkey so it's all meat and no bones inside. Then imagine a plucked ready to go in the oven duck, and then debone the duck so it's all meat and no bones inside. Then imagine a chicken all plucked and ready to go in the oven. Then debone the chicken. Okay so we have three deboned imaginary birds sitting in front of us. Then cover the deboned chicken in some sort of stuffing (the one we have has onions, and corn meal if I'm not mistaken), and then stuff the chicken and stuffing inside the duck. Now cover the duck in the same stuffing and stuff the duck/chicken inside the turkey. Then wrap the Turkey layer in kitchen string, and bake the thing for a heck of a long time and you got Turducken, basically a Chicken in a Duck in a Turkey. Look it up on the internet it's supposed to be really good.

SuperLefty said...

beware the korean parents! "p

kudos on attempting the turducken. i think the long cooking time would discourage me. that, and i'm paranoid about undone poultry, even before avian flu.

btw, i still have to meet you. "P

DG Eyes Only said...

Sadly I learned about Turducken on the show red vs blue (, on one of their cartoons. Which lead to a goggle search, which lead to working on the step mother. This crazy internet.

Anonymous said...

dating within the ethnicity, hell, the HEMISPHERE isn't always the best thing to do, but your parents seem to have grown up in a closed, kind of homogenous environment based on your description so far that would not even consider that possibility. that said, i doubt talking about them in such hurtful terms as 'racist' or 'elitist' is the best thing for what seems to be severely hurt feelings. hope the holidays go smoothly.

황명록 beno hwang said...

well, good luck on somehow resolving this issue. uh... r we gonna c u when we're down there? it cms like we never c u when we're down there, but we're gonna be down 4 over a whole wk, so we'd better c u.

yah, "good luck"'s 'bout all i can say cos i guess i do know ur parents. eh, from what ur dad's sed to me over the yrs, i think deep down he trusts ur judgement on finding a mate 4 urself, etc. he's prob'ly just trying to not get on ur mom's bad side. no 1 wants to be on the bad side'f a kang woman, rt? even the 1s that r kangs by marriage. ha ha ha!