Sunday, December 11, 2005

Too much drama tonight. I don't want to go into detail because it's too long and I'm too tired right now. But suffice it to say, it's BIG.

Anyway, I will explain more later, but I will begin by saying that my frequent commenter Whateley and I have been dating now for awhile now (surprise, surprise), and I finally came out to my parents about him tonight.

Well... like I said, I will go into it more later. But it seems their main problem with him is that he is white. Sigh....


Anonymous said...

Yes, and I hope you won't hold my previous comments against me. I usually post far too late in the dead of night, and am thus a little loopy. I remember once watching a documentary on Steve Martin in which somebody said "Steve Martin is the classic example of a really smart guy doing really dumb humor." Which I think describes my style pretty well. Anyhoo hello, I am the shadowy forbidden lover, please ignore me while I play with my pointy moustache and cackle in the thunder and lightning!

Anonymous said...

if he's a good man, and he seems to be, I'm sure your parents will eventually see that. in the end, parents want their kid to be happy, and if you two are, then things will/should work out.

SuperLefty said...

they're just processing. i'm glad you finally told them. sorry you're dealing with the aftermath. just give them some time. i think the count is pretty neat, and i haven't even met the guy.

Anonymous said...

You know why you think I'm neat Superlefty? It's because I'm left handed, and we have to stick together so we can overthrow the oppressive right handed world! Have you ever read a book called "The Lefthander Syndrome?" ( It's mostly crap, as the guys data has some vary obvious flaws. But it's an interesting read on the history of being left handed, including some famous left handers! In any event thanks for the vote of confidence!

SuperLefty said...

i haven't read it, but i'm sure i have it somewhere in the mess of my room. my friend got me the famous left handers' calendar last year...neat stuff! a lot of the people listed were baseball players, probably because it's harder to strike them out. ") we should convert artiste into a lefty!