Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Nooo... don't look at me... I'm hideous... I'm revolting... I'm... OLD!!!!!!!

Heh heh. I'm just kidding. Turning 24 wasn't as traumatic as I thought. I think because I was surrounded by other people that were older than me. Of my peers, that is. Big thanks to y'all that called. A big phooey to y'all that didn't.

According to the chinese zodiac, this is my year. Well, the year for all 24 yr olds. And 12 yr olds. And 36, 48, and 60 yr olds. Whatever. I'm currently at SMC waiting for class to start. The drive wasn't too bad. Mainly cuz all the congestion was going the other way. Listening to Ryan Seacrest call Lisa Fox a slut on the radio made it more enjoyable. So is a possible job prospect! Wish me luck, and please pray for me! Even if you're not Christian!

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